Portlet Producer

The Portlet Producer page lists the portlet producers currently registered with Oracle WebCenter Portal. It also enables you to register additional producers and edit or deregister existing producers.

Element Description

Register icon Register

Click to register:

  • a WSRP portlet producer More

  • an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer More

Edit icon Edit

Click to modify the connection details of an existing:

  • WSRP portlet producer More

  • Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer More

Deregister icon Deregister

Click to remove the connection to an existing:

  • WSRP portlet producer More

  • Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer More

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the list of registered portlet producers.

Portlet producers can be registered using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST. Clicking Refresh updates the list on this page with any producers that have been recently registered using these tools.

Up icon

Indicates that the portlet producer is accessible. Click to confirm the current status.

Down icon

Indicates that the portlet producer is not accessible. Click to confirm the current status.

Register or Edit Portlet Producer

The Register Portlet Producer page is for registering new portlet producers. The Edit Portlet Producer page is for editing the properties of existing portlet producers.

Element Description

Producer Name

Enter a unique name to identify this portlet producer registration within WebCenter Portal. The name must be unique across all WebCenter Portal connection types.

Producer Type


  • WSRP Producer

  • Oracle PDK-Java Producer


(WSRP producers only) Enter the registration URL for the WSRP producer using the syntax:


For example:


Tip: You can obtain the registration URL by accessing the producer test page at:


URL Endpoint

(Oracle PDK-Java producers only) Enter the Oracle PDK-Java producer's URL using the syntax:


For example:


Service ID

(Oracle PDK-Java producers only) Enter the unique identifier of this producer.

PDK-Java enables you to deploy multiple producers under a single adapter servlet. Producers are identified by their unique service ID. A service ID is required only if the service ID is not appended to the URL endpoint. For example, the following URL endpoint requires sample as the service ID:


However the following URL endpoint, does not require a service ID:


The service ID is used to look up a file called service_id.properties, which defines the characteristics of the producer, such as whether to display its test page. Use any value to create the service ID. When no service ID is specified, _default.properties is used.

Use Proxy?

(Portlet producers only) Select if WebCenter Portal must use an HTTP proxy when contacting this producer. If selected, enter values for Proxy Host and Proxy Port.

Proxy Host

(Portlet producers only) Enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Tip: Do not prefix http:// to the proxy server name.

Proxy Port

(Portlet producers only) Enter the port number on which the proxy server listens. The default port is 80.

Associated External Application

(Portlet producers only) If one of this producer's portlets requires authentication, use the Associated External Application dropdown list to identify the correct external application.

Establish Session?

(Oracle PDK-Java producers only) Select to enable a user session when executing portlets from this producer. When sessions are enabled, they are maintained on the producer server. This allows the portlet code to maintain information in the session.

Message authentication uses sessions, so if you specify a shared key, you must also select this option. For sessionless communication between the producer and the server, do not select this option.

Default Execution Timeout (Seconds)

(Portlet producers only) Enter a suitable timeout for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages. The default is 30 seconds.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.

Subscriber ID

(Oracle PDK-Java producers only) Enter a string to identify the consumer of the producer being registered.

When a producer is registered, a call is made to the producer. During the call, WebCenter Portal passes the value for Subscriber ID to the producer. If the producer does not see the expected value for Subscriber ID, it might reject the registration call.

Shared Key

(Oracle PDK-Java producers only) Enter a shared key to use for producers that are set up to handle encryption.

The shared key is used by the encryption algorithm to generate a message signature for message authentication. Note that producer registration fails if the producer is set up with a shared key and you enter an incorrect shared key here. The shared key can contain between 10 and 20 alphanumeric characters. More

Message authentication uses sessions, so if you specify a shared key, you must also select the Establish Session? option. For sessionless communication between the producer and the server, do not select this option.

Tip: The Shared Key is also known as the HMAC key.

Token Profile

(WSRP producers only) Select the type of token profile to use for authentication with this WSRP producer. More

Select from:

  • None

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token with Message Integrity

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token with Message Protection

  • WSS 1.0 Username Token with Password

  • WSS 1.0 Username Token without Password

  • WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection

Recipient Alias

(WSRP producers only) Specify the keystore alias that is associated with the producer's certificate. This certificate is used to encrypt the message to the producer.

Default User

(WSRP producers only) Enter a user name to assert to the remote producer when the user is not authenticated with the WebCenter Portal application.

When unauthenticated, the identity anonymous is associated with the application user. The value anonymous may be inappropriate for the remote producer, so it may be necessary to specify an alternative identity here. Keep in mind though, that in this case, WebCenter Portal has not authenticated the user so the default user you specify should be a low privileged user in the remote producer. If the user has authenticated to the application, the user's identity is asserted rather than the default user.

The remote WSRP producer must be set up to accept this information. You must also add a grant to the policy store.