22 Working with Blog Authors

On the sample blog pages, the author's full name and image are displayed next to the author's blog posts. This section provides instructions on creating blog author assets, which contain author information. This section also provides instructions on granting users access to their own blog author assets.

The following topics provide information about working with blog authors:

Creating Author Assets

To display a blog author's full name and image next to the author's blog posts, you must create an author asset in which you specify that user's full name and optionally, an image.

To create an author asset:

  1. Log in to the Admin interface as a general administrator.
  2. Select the site on which the blog asset types are enabled.
  3. In the button bar, click New.
  4. Click New Blog Author.
  5. In the Blog Author form, fill in the fields:

    Figure 22-1 New Blog Author Form

    Description of Figure 22-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 22-1 New Blog Author Form"
    • Name: Enter a name for the blog author asset.

      The following characters are not allowed in the Name field: single quote ('), double quote ("), semicolon (;), colon (:), question mark (?), percent sign (%), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash (\).


      When the author creates a blog asset, the author must enter the same name into the blog asset Author field. Otherwise, the author asset you have created is not published to its allocated space.

    • Description: Enter a short, descriptive summary about the author asset.

    • Blog Author Category: By default, this field is single-valued. The only available value for this field is BlogAuthors.

    • Full Name: Enter the blog author's full name. This name opens on the blogs that this author creates.

    • Author Profile Image: Click Browse, and select an image for the content provider.

  6. Click Save.

How to Set Access Permissions to a Blog Author Asset

A blog author asset contains the profile of the content provider who creates blog content for the website. Setting access permissions for a blog author asset entails the following steps:

  1. Creating a Unique Role for the Blog Author

  2. Assigning the Role to the Blog Author

  3. Setting Access Permissions to a Blog Author Asset

Creating a Unique Role for the Blog Author

  1. Log in to the Admin interface as a general administrator, and select a site.
  2. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, expand the User Access Management node, expand the Roles node, and then double-click Add New.

    The Add New Role form opens:

    Figure 22-2 Add New Role Form

    Description of Figure 22-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 22-2 Add New Role Form"
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the role.


      The following characters are not allowed in the Name field: single quote ('), double quote ("), semicolon (;), colon (:), percent (%), question mark (?), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash (\).

    • Description: Enter a short, descriptive sentence explaining what the role does.

  3. Click Add New Role.

    Now you must assign the role to the content provider who requires access permissions to the blog author asset.

Assigning the Role to the Blog Author

  1. Select the Site tree, expand the Site Admin node, and then expand the node of the author's site. Double-click Users.
  2. In the Username field, enter the name of the user to which you want to assign the role, and click Select.
  3. Click the Edit (pencil) icon.
  4. In the Edit Roles for User form, select the role you created in steps 2 and 3.
  5. Click Save.

Setting Access Permissions to a Blog Author Asset

  1. Access the blog author asset to which you want to set permissions:

    1. In the button bar, click Search.

    2. Click Find Blog Author.

    3. Click Search.

  2. Select the blog author asset.

  3. In the blog author's Inspect form, select the more... menu, and choose Access Permissions.

    Figure 22-3 Access Permissions Form

    Description of Figure 22-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 22-3 Access Permissions Form"
  4. Select the View by role radio button.

  5. In the Roles list, select the role you created in Assigning the Role to the Blog Author.

  6. In the Inherited list, select all the functions (shift-click the first and last functions), and click Grant.

    All the functions in the Inherited list move to the Granted list.

  7. Click Save.

The only user who can work with this blog author asset, besides the administrator, is the blog author who is assigned the selected role.