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This tag allows links generated for Satellite Server to work properly when they are not served to a client through Satellite Server.


           url="url to convert"
           outstring="safe link" />


url (required)
The url that needs to be normalized.
outstring (required)
The name of the variable to hold the normalized link.


This tag allows links generated for Satellite Server to work properly when they are not served to a client through Satellite Server. Links generated by Sites for Satellite Server are not in a form that will work in a browser. Instead they are encoded in a special format that Satellite Server then parses, and converts into a link that is actually renderable. This conversion process is called normalization.

In other words, Satellite Server will automatically normalize all links. However, if for some reason a link isn't being parsed by Satellite Server, then the link will not be normalized, and as a result it will not work correctly. This can happen, for instance, if you are creating a link that will be sent in the body of an email. Because the email is sent directly from Sites, and not from Satellite Server, normalization does not happen automatically, so the satellite:normalizeurl tag needs to be used to make the link email-safe.

Note that if you are emailing a link or otherwise using it for external purposes, the link should probably be fully-qualified and include the scheme and authority (protocol, host, and port). If this is the case be sure to include values of scheme and authority attributes in your link construction tag (satellite:link, render:getpageurl, render:gettemplateurl, render:getbloburl, satellite:blob, etc.).

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

A required parameter is missing .


slotname="PageLink" site='<%=ics.GetVar("site")%>' c="Page" cid='<%=ics.GetVar("cid")%>' tname='<%=ics.GetVar("LayoutVar")%>' wrapperpage='<%=ics.GetVar("WrapperVar")%>' scheme="http" authority="localhost:7001" >
<render:argument name="p" value='<%=ics.GetVar("p")%>'/>
<satellite:normalizeurl url='<%=ics.GetVar("aUrl")%>' outstring='normalized'/>

Now you can use this link (as returned by <string:stream variable="normalized"/> which is not shown) to send it in an email. Without normalizing the link, it would not be valid for email or external purposes.

See Also


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