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Primary link generation tag for Sites. A vanity URL will be used if available.


           [pagename="page name"]
           [outstring="output variable name"]
           [container="servlet or portlet"]
           [satellite="true or false"]
           [classname="IReference class"]
           [overridetype="export or dynamic"]
           [urlbase="url base (deprecated)"]
           [portletmode="view, edit, help, etc."]
           [windowstate="maximized, minimized, etc."]
           [portleturltype="render or action"]
           [assembler="uri assembler short form"]
           [fragment="fragment value"]
           [scheme="scheme value"]
           [authority="authority value"]
           [d="Device Group Suffix"]

   [<satellite:parameter name="param name" value="param value" [condition="condition"] />]
   [<satellite:preference name="param name" value="param value" [condition="condition"] />]



pagename (optional)
Name of the page the link is for. In the case of a portlet action url, pagename is not required.
outstring (optional)
The name of the output variable containing the URL generated by this tag. The default variable name is referURL.
container (optional)
Specify either servlet or portlet to construct a URL for that particular container. This is typically used as an override when constructing a link to a servlet from within a portlet. If this is omitted, Sites will detect the current container type and the current type will be used.
satellite (optional)
Specify either true or false to force the url to be generated for a servlet context or a satellite server context respectively. If not specified (the default behaviour), Sites will detect whether or not the URL should be generated for Satellite Server and set the value accordingly.
classname (optional)
This parameter is used by the URL generation mechanism to allow the class implementing the IReference interface to be overidden. This can be useful when modifying the URL structure or when modifying the exported path names. The default value is COM.FutreTense.Export.DiskPageRef.
overridetype (optional)
This parameter is used by the URL generation mechanism to override the type of link to be generated. By default, Sites will generate a dynamic link if the page is being generated dynamically, and a static link if the page is being exported. export can be specified to force a static link, and dynamic can be specified to force a dynamic link.
urlbase (DEPRECATED)
Specifies the entire URL up to the query string excluding the question mark (?). This parameter can be used to hard code another server or servlet. By default a link to either Sites or Satellite Server will be generated. This attribute is deprecated and should no longer be used. If this attribute is specified, then the tag can be replaced by the ics:encode tag to serve the same purpose.
portletmode (optional)
Specifies the portlet mode for the URL being generated. If the URL is not being generated for a portlet, this value is ignored. Possible values may include edit, view, and help. If omitted, no value is specified.
windowstate (optional)
Specifies the windowstate of the portlet being referred to by this URL. Values are defined by JSR-168 and can include maximized, minimized, etc. If omitted, no value is specified.
portleturltype (optional)
Specifies whether the portlet url being specified is an action url (action) or a render url (render). By default, a render url is used.
assembler (optional)
Short form name for uri assembler class. Specifying an assembler overrides the default assembler used by Sites to construct URLs. Omitting this value will cause URLs generated by this tag to use the assembler registered with the highest priority in the request property file.
fragment (optional)
Optional attribute to specify a fragment on the URL. Fragments, sometimes known as anchors, allow browsers to advance to a specific location in a single web page. ex. http://www.myhost.com/foo.html#thirdParagraph.
scheme (optional, required if authority is set)
Attribute that allows the scheme to be set in the URL. The scheme in the case of most URLs refers to the protocol and is usually set to either http or https. If this is left blank (and authority is left blank) then the URL will be relative to the current scheme and authority.
authority (optional, required if scheme is set)
Attribute that allows the user to specify a fully-qualified URL, when used in conjunction with scheme. URLs are of the form scheme://authority/path?query#fragment. For most purposes, authority corresponds to host:port for the given application. Specifying scheme and authority allows for fully-qualified URLs to be created, which is useful for sites with multiple domains and in other cases.
webrootname (optional)
Name of WebRoot to be used for retrieving vanity URL.
d (optional)
Device Group Suffix(a string that is common suffix of all the templates written for current device group). For example, if d ='Touch' and parameter tname = 'HomeLayout', the tag will try to find a template with name tname_d i.e. HomeLayout_Touch. If it exists, the tag will call this template, otherwise will simply call the template 'HomeLayout' i.e. actual tname provided.


satellite:parameter (optional)
Arbitrary name-value pair that is added to the URL. If the associated page is to be cached, the parameter name should be specified as PageCriteria in the SiteCatalog.
satellite:preference (optional)
Arbitrary portlet preference value that will be added to the URL. If specified, CSPortlet-derived portlets will automatically set portlets by this name into the portal server.


This tag is the primary mechanism by which Sites URLs are generated.

The following functionality is specified by this tag:

Any URL created for Sites should use this tag or one of its derived tags.

Error Numbers

There are no possible errno for this tag.


This example shows how to construct a URL to a page in Sites. This represents the most common usage of this tag.

<satellite:link pagename="OpenMarket/Samples/NewPortal/JSP/Main">
  <satellite:parameter name="mode" value="article"/>
  <satellite:parameter name="articleid" value='<%=ics.GetList("articlelist",false).getValue("id")%>'/>

See Also


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Oracle JSP Tag Reference
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