78 Integrating Developer Tools Workspaces with Version Control Systems

The resources in the Developer Tools workspace are stored in a version control system (VCS). You can share these resources with other developers if the need arises.


78.1 About Version Control With Developer Tools

With version control systems (VCS) you can create source code repositories. A VCS can provide advanced tools for versioning, branching, and managing source files.

The file system structure in which the Developer Tools workspace stores WebCenter Sites resources enables those resources to be stored on any VCS and enables complete CM sites to be tracked in a VCS.

78.2 About Integrating Developer Tools With a VCS

In case of some VCSs, you need to their plug-ins for checking in resources into the VCS directly from Eclipse. For example, the Eclipse IDE supports the Subclipse plug-in for the Subversion repository. This plug-in enables you to check resources into the Subversion directory directly from the Eclipse IDE.

The Developer Tools workspace is located in the src folder of the Eclipse project. This folder can be accessed directly from the WebCenter Sites installation directory (under export/envision/cs_workspace/src). To copy the content of your Developer Tools workspace folder to a VCS, you must first determine which VCS you want to use. Then, check-in the resources stored in the Developer Tools workspace to the VCS. The VCS you choose to use determines the steps you must take to check resources in from the Eclipse IDE.

The Developer Tools workspace stores all resources as one or more files, depending on the type of resource. If you check a resource into a VCS, you must also check-in all associated files of that resource. For example, an asset that contains attached documents (such as a PDF) is represented by a metadata file (.main.xml) and the associated document file(s). All associated files of the asset must be checked in to the VCS. Otherwise, the check-in fails. For a detailed description of the Developer Tools workspace layout and for information about how resources are mapped to workspace files, see Using Workspaces in Developer Tools.


Checking data into a VCS from the Developer Tools workspace does not require an extensive understanding of the Developer Tools workspace file structure. Instead, most VCS clients detect incremental changes to the Developer Tools workspace folder and indicate those changes during a VCS commit operation.

78.3 Using a Developer Tools-Integrated VCS: Example

You can exchange the resources–that you check WebCenter Sites into a VCS from your Developer Tools workspace–with other developers and also track changes to those resources over time.

The following is an example of a development team using a VCS to share WebCenter Sites resources:

Developer A creates a resource in WebCenter Sites and exports it to the Developer Tools workspace. Developer A then checks that resource into a VCS. From the VCS, Developer B then can check-out the resource to his own Developer Tools workspace. This developer now can modify the resource and then check the changes back into the VCS. Developer A, and the rest of the development team, now can see the changes made to the resource from the VCS. This enables the members of the development team to synchronize their Developer Tools workspaces with the most recent changes made to the resource. Additional developers can join the group by checking-out resources from the VCS into their own respective Developer Tools workspaces. As the project advances, the cycle of adding and modifying resources continues.


WebCenter Sites provides a revision tracking system for resources that are kept within a given WebCenter Sites instance. The WebCenter Sites revision tracking system cannot be integrated with a VCS.