How to Prepare the Cluster for Additional Global-Cluster Nodes

Perform the following tasks:

Perform this procedure on existing global-cluster nodes to prepare the cluster for the addition of new cluster nodes.

  1. Add the name of the new node to the cluster's authorized-nodes list.
    1. On any node, assume the root role.
    2. Start the clsetup utility.
      phys-schost# clsetup

      The Main Menu is displayed.

    3. Choose the New Nodes menu item.
    4. Choose the Specify the Name of a Machine Which May Add Itself menu item.
    5. Follow the prompts to add the node's name to the list of recognized machines.

      The clsetup utility displays the message Command completed successfully if the task is completed without error.

    6. Quit the clsetup utility.
  2. If you are adding a node to a single-node cluster, ensure that two cluster interconnects already exist by displaying the interconnect configuration.
    phys-schost# clinterconnect show

    You must have at least two cables or two adapters configured before you can add a node.

    • If the output shows configuration information for two cables or for two adapters, proceed to Step 3.

    • If the output shows no configuration information for either cables or adapters, or shows configuration information for only one cable or adapter, configure new cluster interconnects.

      1. On one node, start the clsetup utility.

        phys-schost# clsetup
      2. Choose the Cluster Interconnect menu item.

        1. Choose the Add a Transport Switch menu item and configure a minimum of two switches (one per adapter pair).

        2. Then choose the Add a Transport Adapter to a Node menu item and ensure a minimum of two adapters are configured.

        3. Then choose the Add a Transport Cable menu item to connect each adapter to each switch (netX <-> switch 1; netY <-> switch 2).

      3. When finished, quit the clsetup utility.

      4. Verify that the cluster now has two cluster interconnects configured.

        phys-schost# clinterconnect show

        The command output should show configuration information for at least two cluster interconnects.

  3. Ensure that the private-network configuration can support the nodes and private networks that you are adding.
    1. Display the maximum numbers of nodes, private networks, and zone clusters that the current private-network configuration supports.
      phys-schost# cluster show-netprops

      The output looks similar to the following:

      === Private Network ===
      max_nodes:                                      64
      max_privatenets:                                10
      max_zoneclusters:                               12
    2. Determine whether the current private-network configuration can support the increased number of nodes, including non-global zones, and private networks.