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Managing Hardware With Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4

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Updated: August 2018



  Seeindex iconpublic network adapters
  Seeindex icontransport adapters
public network adaptersindex iconAdding Public Network Adapters
transport adaptersindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
transport cablesindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
transport junctionsindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component


bootindex iconSample Differences Between Servicing Standalone and Cluster Hardware


cables  Seeindex icontransport cables
campus clusteringindex iconCampus Clustering With Oracle Solaris Cluster Software
and fibre channelindex iconInstalling and Configuring Interconnect, Storage, and Fibre Channel Hardware
configuration examples
index iconThree-Room Campus Cluster Examples
index iconThree-Room Campus Cluster Examples
data replication requirementsindex iconShared Data Storage
differences from standardindex iconCampus Clustering With Oracle Solaris Cluster Software
extended examplesindex iconAdditional Campus Cluster Configuration Examples
guidelinesindex iconGuidelines for Designing a Campus Cluster
hardware installation and configurationindex iconInstalling and Configuring Interconnect, Storage, and Fibre Channel Hardware
interconnect technologiesindex iconCluster Interconnect Technologies
link technologiesindex iconDetermining Campus Cluster Connection Technologies
network requirementsindex iconSelecting Networking Technologies
node compared to roomindex iconDetermining the Number of Rooms in Your Cluster
private network technologiesindex iconCluster Interconnect Technologies
public network technologiesindex iconStorage Area Network Technologies
quorum guidelinesindex iconDeciding How to Use Quorum Devices
quorum requirementsindex iconComplying With Quorum Device Requirements
requirementsindex iconRequirements for Designing a Campus Cluster
room, definition ofindex iconDetermining the Number of Rooms in Your Cluster
three-room examplesindex iconThree-Room Campus Cluster With a Multipathing Solution Implemented
two-room, example without multipathingindex iconTwo-Room Campus Cluster With a Multipathing Solution Implemented
two-room, multipathing exampleindex iconThree-Room Campus Cluster With a Multipathing Solution Implemented
VLANsindex iconFirst VLAN Configuration
volume managementindex iconReplicating Solaris Volume Manager Disksets
CD-ROMsindex iconRemovable Media in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment
populateindex iconSample Differences Between Servicing Standalone and Cluster Hardware
evacuateindex iconSample Differences Between Servicing Standalone and Cluster Hardware
interconnectindex iconSupported Configurations
concurrent accessindex iconSupported Configurations
parallel databaseindex iconSupported Configurations
configuration examples (campus clustering)
index iconThree-Room Campus Cluster Examples
index iconThree-Room Campus Cluster Examples


data replication
requirementsindex iconShared Data Storage
dual-port HBAsindex iconConfiguring Cluster Nodes With a Single, Dual-Port HBA
Solaris Volume Managerindex iconCluster Configuration When Using Solaris Volume Manager and a Single Dual-Port HBA
Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Clusterindex iconCluster Configuration When Using Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster and a Single Dual-Port HBA
supported configurationsindex iconSupported Configurations When Using a Single, Dual-Port HBA
dynamic reconfiguration
kernel cage recoveryindex iconKernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration Recovery
preparing the cluster for kernel cage dynamic reconfigurationindex iconPreparing the Cluster for Kernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration
recovering from an interrupted kernel cage dynamic reconfigurationindex iconHow to Recover From an Interrupted Kernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
replacing disksindex iconDynamic Reconfiguration Operations for Oracle Solaris Cluster Nodes


Ethernet switches
in the interconnectindex iconEthernet Switch Configuration When in the Cluster Interconnect
Ethernet transport cables and junctionsindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
example configurations (campus clustering)
three-roomindex iconThree-Room Campus Cluster Examples


fibre channel and campus clusteringindex iconInstalling and Configuring Interconnect, Storage, and Fibre Channel Hardware


tasks you can perform
add an interconnect componentindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component


hardware installation
for campus clustersindex iconInstalling and Configuring Interconnect, Storage, and Fibre Channel Hardware
overall installation processindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware
overviewindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware
hardware RAIDindex iconMirroring Internal Disks on Servers that Use Internal Hardware Disk Mirroring or Integrated Mirroring
hardware redundancy
verifyingindex iconVerifying Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Redundancy
hardware restrictionsindex iconHardware Restrictions
high availability
testingindex iconVerifying Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Redundancy
testing device group availabilityindex iconTesting Node Redundancy
testing interconnect availabilityindex iconHow to Test Cluster Interconnects
testing IP multipathing availabilityindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
host adapters
dual-port configurationsindex iconConfiguring Cluster Nodes With a Single, Dual-Port HBA


Socket Direct Protocolindex iconRequirements for Socket Direct Protocol Over an Oracle Solaris Cluster Interconnect
InfiniBand requirements and restrictionsindex iconRequirements and Restrictions When Using Sun InfiniBand from Oracle in the Cluster Interconnect
InfiniBand transport cables and junctionsindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
cluster hardwareindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware
Ethernet transport cablesindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
Ethernet transport junctionsindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
InfiniBand transport cablesindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
InfiniBand transport junctionsindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
Oracle Solaris and cluster softwareindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware
public network hardwareindex iconInstalling Public Network Hardware
integrated mirroringindex iconMirroring Internal Disks on Servers that Use Internal Hardware Disk Mirroring or Integrated Mirroring
configuration for campus clusteringindex iconInstalling and Configuring Interconnect, Storage, and Fibre Channel Hardware
jumbo frames requirementsindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
speed requirementsindex iconCluster Interconnect Speed Requirements
technologies for campus clusteringindex iconCluster Interconnect Technologies
testing redundancyindex iconHow to Test Cluster Interconnects
internal hardware disk mirroringindex iconMirroring Internal Disks on Servers that Use Internal Hardware Disk Mirroring or Integrated Mirroring
IP multipathing
testing redundancyindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy


jumbo frames
interconnect requirementsindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
public network requirements
index iconPublic Network Hardware: Requirements When Using Jumbo Frames
index iconRequirements When Using Jumbo Frames
Scalable Data Servicesindex iconPublic Network Hardware: Requirements When Using Jumbo Frames


kernel cage dynamic reconfiguration
preparing the clusterindex iconPreparing the Cluster for Kernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration
recovering from an interruptionindex iconHow to Recover From an Interrupted Kernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
recoveryindex iconKernel Cage Dynamic Reconfiguration Recovery


link technologies
campus clusteringindex iconDetermining Campus Cluster Connection Technologies
local disksindex iconLocal and Multihost Disks in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment


mirroring internal disksindex iconMirroring Internal Disks on Servers that Use Internal Hardware Disk Mirroring or Integrated Mirroring
multihost disksindex iconLocal and Multihost Disks in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment
example three-room campus clusterindex iconThree-Room Campus Cluster With a Multipathing Solution Implemented
example two-room campus clusterindex iconThree-Room Campus Cluster With a Multipathing Solution Implemented


NAFO groups
adding adaptersindex iconReplacing Public Network Adapters: Where to Go From Here
redundancy testingindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
privateindex iconSupported Configurations
Network Adapter Failover groups  Seeindex iconNAFO groups
network requirements for campus clustersindex iconSelecting Networking Technologies
node redundancy
testingindex iconTesting Node Redundancy
must be of the same architectureindex iconHardware Restrictions


Oracle Real Application Clustersindex iconConnecting to Storage


parallel database configurationsindex iconSupported Configurations
powering offindex iconPowering Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware On and Off
powering onindex iconPowering Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware On and Off
private networkindex iconSupported Configurations
private network technologies
campus clusteringindex iconCluster Interconnect Technologies
public network
hardware installationindex iconInstalling Public Network Hardware
jumbo frames requirements
index iconPublic Network Hardware: Requirements When Using Jumbo Frames
index iconRequirements When Using Jumbo Frames
public network adapters
addingindex iconAdding Public Network Adapters
index iconRemoving Public Network Adapters
index iconReplacing Public Network Adapters
replacingindex iconReplacing Public Network Adapters
public network technologies
campus clusteringindex iconStorage Area Network Technologies


quorum devices
campus cluster guidelinesindex iconDeciding How to Use Quorum Devices
campus cluster requirementsindex iconComplying With Quorum Device Requirements


raidctl commandindex iconMirroring Internal Disks on Servers that Use Internal Hardware Disk Mirroring or Integrated Mirroring
testing interconnect redundancyindex iconHow to Test Cluster Interconnects
testing IP multipathing redundancyindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
testing node redundancyindex iconTesting Node Redundancy
removable mediaindex iconRemovable Media in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment
public network adapters
index iconRemoving Public Network Adapters
index iconReplacing Public Network Adapters
transport adaptersindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
transport cablesindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
transport junctionsindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
public network adaptersindex iconReplacing Public Network Adapters
transport adaptersindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component
transport cablesindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component
transport junctionsindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component
interconnect speedindex iconCluster Interconnect Speed Requirements
restrictions  Seeindex iconhardware
room compared to node (campus clustering)index iconDetermining the Number of Rooms in Your Cluster
room, definition of (campus clustering)index iconDetermining the Number of Rooms in Your Cluster


general cluster requirementsindex iconSAN Solutions in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment
requirements in campus clustersindex iconShared Data Storage
SDP  Seeindex iconSocket Direct Protocol
shutdown protocol
clustered environmentindex iconPowering Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware On and Off
nonclustered environmentindex iconPowering Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware On and Off
shutdownindex iconSample Differences Between Servicing Standalone and Cluster Hardware
Socket Direct Protocolindex iconRequirements for Socket Direct Protocol Over an Oracle Solaris Cluster Interconnect
software installationindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware
Solaris Volume Manager
dual-port HBAsindex iconCluster Configuration When Using Solaris Volume Manager and a Single Dual-Port HBA
Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster
dual-port HBAsindex iconCluster Configuration When Using Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster and a Single Dual-Port HBA
SR-IOV devicesindex iconConfiguring SR-IOV Devices with VLANs as Private Interconnect Networks
standard clusters
differences from campus clustersindex iconCampus Clustering With Oracle Solaris Cluster Software
supported configurationsindex iconSupported Configurations
  Seeindex icontransport junctions
  See Alsoindex icontransport junctions


tapesindex iconRemovable Media in an Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment
high availabilityindex iconVerifying Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Redundancy
interconnect availabilityindex iconHow to Test Cluster Interconnects
interconnect redundancyindex iconHow to Test Cluster Interconnects
IP multipathing availabilityindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
IP multipathing redundancyindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
NAFO group redundancyindex iconHow to Test Public Network Redundancy
node availabilityindex iconTesting Node Redundancy
node redundancyindex iconTesting Node Redundancy
transport adapter firmware
upgradingindex iconHow to Upgrade Transport Adapter Firmware
transport adapters
addingindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
removingindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
replacingindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component
transport cables
addingindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
Ethernet, installingindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
InfiniBand, installingindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
removingindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
replacingindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component
transport junctions
addingindex iconHow to Add an Interconnect Component
Ethernet, installingindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
InfiniBand, installingindex iconHow to Install Ethernet or InfiniBand Transport Cables and Transport Junctions
removingindex iconHow to Remove an Interconnect Component
replacingindex iconHow to Replace an Interconnect Component


transport adapter firmwareindex iconHow to Upgrade Transport Adapter Firmware


hardware redundancyindex iconVerifying Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Redundancy
virtual local area networks  Seeindex iconVLANs
campus clustersindex iconFirst VLAN Configuration
configuring SR-IOV devicesindex iconConfiguring SR-IOV Devices with VLANs as Private Interconnect Networks
guidelinesindex iconConfiguring VLANs as Private Interconnect Networks
volume management with campus clusteringindex iconReplicating Solaris Volume Manager Disksets