4 Deprecation Notices

This chapter lists the deprecation notices for Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Release 1.7

This section lists the deprecations notice for Release 1.7.

Oracle Linux 7

Oracle Linux 7 hosts can no longer be used in an Oracle Cloud Native Environment from Release 1.7. Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.6 is the last version that can be used with Oracle Linux 7 hosts.

To upgrade Oracle Linux 7 hosts to Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.6, you must first migrate hosts to Oracle Linux 8. See Updates and Upgrades in the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.6 documentation for information on how to perform the host OS migration.

Gluster Container Storage Interface Module

The Gluster Container Storage Interface module, used to install Gluster and set up Glusterfs, is removed. The Gluster Container Storage Interface module is no longer available to be used. You must migrate storage to another system, such as Ceph using the Rook module.

Release 1.6.1

Platform CLI Commands

The --oci-private-key option, used when creating the oci-ccm module with the olcnectl module create command, and in YAML environment configuration files, is deprecated in Release 1.6.1. This option was used for specifying the location of the private key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API signing key. From Release 1.6.1 onwards, use the --oci-private-key-file option instead.

Release 1.6

This section lists the deprecations notice for Release 1.6.

Gluster Container Storage Interface Module

The Gluster Container Storage Interface module, used to install Gluster and set up Glusterfs, is deprecated. The Gluster Container Storage Interface module might be removed in a future release.

Helm Module

The Helm module is deprecated in Release 1.6. You don't need to create and install a Helm module to install optional modules. Helm is automatically installed with the Kubernetes module and associated with it to perform optional module installations. Any Platform CLI syntax that requires creating, specifying or updating the Helm module is no longer required. Backward compatibility is maintained, so existing scripted installations you have are honored.

Platform CLI Commands

The --master-nodes option, used to specify hostnames or IP addresses of the Kubernetes control plane nodes, is deprecated in Release 1.6. The option was used in YAML environment configuration files, and in olcnectl commands that specify the control plane nodes, for example, olcnectl module create, olcnectl module update, and olcnectl provision.

From Release 1.6 onwards, you use the --control-plane-nodes option to specify control plane nodes.

Release 1.5

This section lists the deprecations notice for Release 1.5.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Storage Interface Module

In Release 1.5, the name of this module is changed to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager module. In Release 1.4, when creating the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Storage Interface module you used the module type of oci-csi. This module type is now deprecated. From Release 1.5 onwards, use the module type of oci-ccm.

Platform CLI Commands

The --node-labels and --node-ocids options in the olcnectl module create command are deprecated in Release 1.5. These options were used to set Oracle Cloud Infrastructure information related to Kubernetes nodes when creating the kubernetes module. This information was then used by the oci-csi module to set up storage for Kubernetes applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. These options are no longer required.

Release 1.4

This section lists the deprecations notice for Release 1.4.

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5

Oracle Linux 7 running Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 (UEK R5) is removed as a kernel in Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.4. Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.3 is the last release this kernel can be used.

Release 1.2

This section lists the deprecations notice for Release 1.2.

Platform CLI Commands

The apiserver-advertise-address option in the olcnectl module create command is deprecated in Release 1.2.0. This option set the IP address on which to advertise the Kubernetes API server to members of the Kubernetes cluster in a cluster with a single control plane node. The --master-nodes option specifies the IP address and this deprecated option is no longer used.