5 Documentation Changes

This chapter lists notable changes to the Oracle Cloud Native Environment documentation.

Release 1.7

This section lists the notable changes in the documentation for Release 1.7 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Some documents have been reorganized and renamed. These are:

  • Container Orchestration is now named Kubernetes Module.

  • Service Mesh is now named Istio Module.

  • The information in Storage related to the Gluster module is removed, as the Gluster module is no longer available.

  • The information in Storage related to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager module is now moved to a new document, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager Module.

  • The remaining conceptual information in Storage is moved to Concepts.

  • The information in Application Load Balancers related the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager module is now moved to the new document, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager Module.

  • The information in Application Load Balancers related to the MetalLB module is now moved to a new document, MetalLB Module.

  • A new document named Rook Module is available to provide information about the Rook module. This document discusses the Rook module, which is used to install and configure Ceph for persistent storage.

  • A new document named KubeVirt Module is available to provide information about the KubeVirt module. This document discusses the KubeVirt module, which is used to install KubeVirt and create and manage virtual machines.

  • The information in Container Orchestration (now named Kubernetes Module) related to the Operator Lifecycle Manager module is now moved to the new document, Operator Lifecycle Manager Module.

  • A new document named Calico Module is available to provide information about the Calico module. This document discusses the Calico module and the native Calico Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin, which is used to install the Tigera operator.

  • The information in Container Orchestration (now named Kubernetes Module) related to the Calico module is now moved to the new document, Calico Module.

  • A new document named Multus Module is available to provide information about the Multus module. This document discusses the Multus module, which is used to install the Multus CNI plugin.

  • The information in Container Orchestration (now named Kubernetes Module) related to the Multus module is now moved to the new document, Multus Module.