2 Hosts

This chapter provides the requirements for the hosts you can include in the deployment. Each host is assigned a role to when included as a node in the deployment.

The following table lists the hosts you need to set up and their roles. The number of nodes listed in the table are required when you use the quick installation option using the olcnectl provision command. For example, if you do a non-HA installation, you can only provide a single Kubernetes control plane node. If you provide more than one control plane node, you need to provide a load balancer for the control plane nodes. If you follow the installation process in Installation, these restrictions don't apply.

You can install the Platform API Server on the operator node, and this is the recommended method. If you prefer, you can set up separate hosts for the Platform CLI and Platform API Server.

Table 2-1 Host Roles

  Operator Node Kubernetes Control Plane Nodes Kubernetes Worker Nodes

Number of nodes

1 only

1 only

1 or more

Number of nodes for High Availability

1 only


See Kubernetes High Availability Requirements.


See Kubernetes High Availability Requirements.


Install and manage the environment and Kubernetes cluster.

Manage the lifecycle of containerized applications.

Hosts the containerized applications.


Platform CLI (olcnectl).

Platform API Server.

Platform Agent.

Kubernetes API Server.

Kubernetes CLI (kubectl).

Platform Agent.

Container Runtime engine.

Hardware Requirements

Oracle Cloud Native Environment is a clustered environment that requires more than one node to form a cluster. You can install Oracle Cloud Native Environment on any of the following server types:

  • Bare-metal server

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure bare-metal instance

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure virtual instance

  • Oracle Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) instance

  • Oracle Private Cloud Appliance virtual instance

  • Oracle Private Cloud at Customer virtual instance

Oracle Cloud Native Environment is available on hardware that uses 64-bit x86 or 64-bit ARM processors. Oracle Cloud Native Environment automatically detects the processor type during an installation and no extra installation steps are required. You can have mixed processor types in a Kubernetes cluster, so you can use 64-bit x86 and 64-bit ARM nodes in the same cluster.


KubeVirt and Kata Containers require bare metal ARM hosts. Nested virtualization is needed on virtual hosts to create virtual machines using the KubeVirt module, and to create Kata Containers. Nested virtualization isn't available on virtual ARM instances.

Oracle Cloud Native Environment doesn't require specific hardware, but certain operations are CPU and memory intensive. For a list of certified bare-metal servers, see the Oracle Linux Hardware Certification List at:


For information on the current Oracle x86 Servers, see:


For information on 64-bit ARM compute nodes on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see:


For information on creating an Oracle Linux KVM instance, see Oracle® Linux: KVM User's Guide.

The installation instructions for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and Oracle Private Cloud at Customer, and information about the Oracle Cloud Native Environment releases that can be installed, are available in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and Oracle Private Cloud at Customer documentation at:


The hardware requirements listed here are for the absolute minimum to run Oracle Cloud Native Environment. A deployment is highly likely to require nodes with a larger footprint.

For a list of the cloud platforms and hypervisors you can use with Oracle Cloud Native Environment, see Doc ID 2899157.1 in My Oracle Support.

Kubernetes Control Plane Node Hardware

The Kubernetes control plane is the container orchestration layer that exposes the Kubernetes API and interfaces to create and manage the lifecycle of containers. The nodes that form the Kubernetes control plane are referred to as control plane nodes. A control plane node is a host that runs the daemons and services needed to manage the cluster and orchestrate containers, such as the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent, etcd, the Kubernetes API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager, and Cloud Controller Manager.

A minimum Kubernetes control plane node configuration is:

  • 4 CPU cores (Intel VT-capable CPU)

  • 16GB RAM

  • 1GB Ethernet NIC

  • XFS file system (the default file system for Oracle Linux)

  • 40GB hard disk space in the /var directory

Kubernetes Worker Node Hardware

A Kubernetes worker node is a host that runs the daemons and services needed to run pods, such as the Platform Agent, kubelet, kube-proxy, CRI-O, RunC, and Kata Runtime.

A minimum Kubernetes worker node configuration is:

  • 1 CPU cores (Intel VT-capable CPU)

  • 8GB RAM

  • 1GB Ethernet NIC

  • XFS file system (the default file system for Oracle Linux)

  • 15GB hard disk space in the /var directory

  • XFS mount-point /var/lib/containers with dedicated space based on the number of container images going to be saved and leveraged.

Operator Node Hardware

An operator node is a host that contains the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Platform CLI. This node might also include the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Platform API Server.

A minimum operator node configuration is:

  • 1 CPU cores (Intel VT-capable CPU)

  • 8GB RAM

  • 1GB Ethernet NIC

  • 15GB hard disk space in the /var directory

Kubernetes High Availability Requirements

A minimum high availability (HA) configuration for a Kubernetes cluster is:

  • 3 Kubernetes control plane nodes. At least 5 control plane nodes is recommended.

  • 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. At least 3 worker nodes is recommended.


The number of control plane nodes must be an odd number equal to or greater than three, for example, 3, 5, or 7.

OS Requirements

Oracle Cloud Native Environment is available for the following x86_64 OSs.

Table 2-2 OSs (x86_64)

OS Release Number Update Number Kernel

Oracle Linux


Latest and latest-1

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 7 (UEK R7)

Oracle Linux


Latest and latest-1

Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Latest and latest-1

Red Hat Kernel

Oracle Linux


Latest and latest-1

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 7 (UEK R7)

Oracle Linux


Latest and latest-1

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 (UEK R6)

Oracle Linux


Latest and latest-1

Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Latest and latest-1

Red Hat Kernel