Creating a Blueprint

The following procedure describes how to create a blueprint configuration using the CLI. Alternatively, you can create a blueprint using the Cockpit web console interface, see Oracle Linux: Using the Cockpit Web Console for more details.

  1. Create a blueprint configuration as follows:
    1. Using any text editor, create a text file.
    2. In the text file, specify the blueprint specifications based on the packages and customize the image settings as required.

      Ensure that you provide the basic metadata information about the blueprint. For reference, see Blueprint Format

    3. Save the file as a toml file. For example, myblueprint.toml
    4. Push or import the blueprint into Image Builder, for example:
      sudo composer-cli blueprints push myblueprint
  2. (Optional) View the blueprint configuration.
    sudo composer-cli blueprints show myblueprint
  3. Verify that the blueprint's components and versions and corresponding dependencies are valid.
    sudo composer-cli blueprints depsolve myblueprint.toml

    If Image Builder is unable to validate the dependencies, remove the osbuild-composer cache.

    sudo rm -rf /var/cache/osbuild-composer/*
    sudo systemctl restart osbuild-composer