Editing a Blueprint

The following procedure describes how to edit an existing blueprint configuration by using the CLI. Alternatively, you can edit a blueprint using the Cockpit web console interface, see Oracle Linux: Using the Cockpit Web Console for more details.

  1. Edit an existing blueprint as follows:
    1. (Optional) List the existing blueprints.
      sudo composer-cli blueprints list
    2. Save or export the blueprint you want to edit.
      sudo composer-cli blueprints save myblueprint
    3. Using a text editor, edit the blueprint configuration by revising package and customization entries as required.
    4. Remove the line packages = [] if it exists in the blueprint.
    5. Update the version by incrementing the number as appropriate.

      Ensure that the version follows the scheme in https://semver.org/.

    6. Save the changes.
    7. Push or import the blueprint into Image Builder.
      sudo composer-cli blueprints push myblueprint
  2. (Optional) View the revised blueprint configuration.
    sudo composer-cli blueprints show myblueprint
  3. Verify that the blueprint's components, versions, and corresponding dependencies are valid.
    sudo composer-cli blueprints depsolve myblueprint.toml

    If Image Builder is unable to validate the dependencies, remove the osbuild-composer cache.

    sudo rm -rf /var/cache/osbuild-composer/*
    sudo systemctl restart osbuild-composer