Install Cockpit-Machines and Enable Virtualization

Before Cockpit administrators can access and use the Virtual Machine functionality in the web console, the following tasks must be completed:
  • Install the Cockpit-Machines add-on application in the web console.
  • Install the Virtualization base packages on the Cockpit host system.


    The Virtualization base packages are typically installed on the host system during the Oracle Linux installation. In the case that these packages aren't installed, they must be installed to use the Virtual Machine module in the Cockpit web console.
  • Verify the Virtualization service on the host system is started.

What Do You Need?


Follow these steps to ensure that the host system is properly configured with the Cockpit Virtual Machine add-on application and the Oracle Linux Virtualization packages.

  1. In the Cockpit web console, click Terminal. The Terminal command-line interface page appears.
  2. In the Terminal command-line interface, perform the following:
    1. Install the Cockpit Virtual Machine add-on application. Type:
      sudo dnf install cockpit-machines
    2. Install Oracle Linux Virtualization packages (if not already installed on host system).
      For Oracle Linux 8 installations: Type:
      sudo dnf module install virt
      sudo dnf install virt-install virt-viewer
      For Oracle Linux 9 installations: Type:
      sudo dnf group install "Virtualization Host"
      sudo dnf install qemu-kvm virt-install virt-viewer

      For more information, see Installing Virtualization Packages on an Existing System in the Oracle Linux: KVM User's Guide.

    3. Verify that the Virtualization service is started on host system. Type:
      sudo virt-host-validate qemu

      For more information, see Validating the Host System in the Oracle Linux: KVM User's Guide.