Create a Logical Volume

Using the Storage page, Cockpit administrators can create a logical volume from a volume group.

What Do You Need?


Using the Cockpit web console, follow these steps to create a logical volume from a volume group.

  1. In the Storage page, select the volume group in which you want to create a logical volume.

    The LVM2 group [name] page appears.

  2. In the LVM2 group [name] page, navigate to the Logical volumes table and click Create new logical volume.

    The Create logical volume dialog appears.

  3. In the Create logical volume dialog, specify the following properties and click Create.
    Name In the Name text box, enter a meaningful name (without spaces) for the new logical volume.
    Purpose In the Purpose drop down list box, select the applicable for option. For example:
    • To create a logical volume for a file system, select Block device for filesystem.
    • To create a thin pool volume to add thin logical volumes, select Pool for thin logical volume.
    Size Use the Size slider to define the size of the logical volume. Consider the following:
    • The amount of space required for the logical volume.
    • The number of logical volumes you plan to create from the specified volume group.

    The logical volume is created and the name of the new logical volume appears in the Logical Volumes table.

    Next Steps:
    • If the selected Purpose of the logical volume was for block device file system, proceed to Format and Mount a Logical Volume


      In order for the logical volume to act as a physical disk, you must 1) create a file system by formatting the logical volume, and 2) attach the file system to the host by mounting it.
    • If the selected Purpose of the logical volume was to create a thin volume pool, you can add thin logical volumes to the newly created thin volume pool. For instructions, see Step 3 in Create a Thin Logical Volume.