Schedule Automatic Software Updates

Cockpit administrators can use the Software updates page in the web console to automatically schedule when software updates occur on the host system. Configurable properties for scheduling an automatic software update include selecting the update type (none, security, or all) and the frequency for how often the automatic update occurs.


Alternatively, administrators can use the command line to configure automatic software updates. For more information about using the command line to perform this task, see Updating Software Automatically in Oracle Linux: Managing Software on Oracle Linux.

What Do You Need?

  • The Cockpit web console must be installed and accessible.

    For details, see these topics: Install and Enable Cockpit and Log in to the Cockpit Web Console.

  • The Cockpit Software Update package (cockpit-packagekit) must be installed. In the case where the Software Update module does not appear in the web console navigation panel, see Install and Manage Add-on Applications.


    A first time set up is also required for automatic updates after installing the cockpit-package kit. The steps for performing the first time set up is covered in the procedure that follows this section.
  • Administrator privileges.


Using the Cockpit web console, follow these instructions to configure automatic software updates on the host system.

  1. In the Cockpit navigation pane, click Software updates.

    The Software updates page appears.

  2. (First time set up only) In the Software updates page, perform the following actions to set up the automatic software update option for the first time:


    If these actions (install and enable) were previously performed, proceed to the next Step.
    Settings: Automatic updates - Not set up If the automatic software update service was not previously enabled, an option to enable the automatic software service appears.

    Click Enable to enable the automatic software update service.

    Install Software: dnf-automatic If the automatic software was not previously installed, an option to install the software appears.

    Click Install to install the required software.

    An Edit option appears in the Automatic updates section after installing the required software and enabling the automatic update service.

  3. In the Settings section of the Software updates page, perform any of the following actions:
    • View schedule for automatic updates – A message appears indicating the current status of the Automatic updates, for example:
      • If an automatic update schedule is active, an Updates will be applied ... message appears indicating how often and when the automatic updates occur.
      • If the automatic update schedule is disabled, an Automatic updates: Disabled message appears.
    • Edit the automatic update schedule:
      1. Click Edit. The Automatic updates dialog appears.
      2. In the Automatic updates dialog, specify the following properties and then click Save changes.
        Type Select the update type that you want to automate (or disable). For example:
        • None. Select to disable all automatic updates.
        • Security updates. Select to automate security related updates only.
        • All updates. Select to automate all updates (patches, bug fixes, security updates and so on).
        When In the drop-down lists, specify the frequency (daily or a specific day of week) and the time for the automatic updates to occur.

        The system applies the automatic updates per the properties selected on the Automatic Updates dialog. Upon completing the updates, the system automatically restarts.