Generate Diagnostic Reports

Using the Diagnostics report page in the web console, Cockpit administrators can collect configuration and diagnostic information from a host system to help with diagnosing system related problems.

What Do You Need?


Using the Cockpit web console, follow these steps to generate diagnostic reports about the hardware and setup of the managed host system.

  1. In the Cockpit navigation pane, click Diagnostic reports.

    The Systems diagnostics page appears.

  2. In the System diagnostics page, click Run reports.

    The Run new report dialog appears.

  3. In the Run new report dialog, enter the following information and click Run report.
    Report label In the Report label text box, enter a name for this report.

    For example, you might provide your first initial and last name; or, if this report is being generated for a specific support case, you could enter the support case ID number.

    Encryption passphrase (Optional) If you need to secure the contents of the report, you can enter an encryption passphrase in the Encryption passphrase text box. this level of security is helpful to use when transferring a report over a public network to a third-party.


    Ensure that enough disk space is available when creating an encrypted report, as this process temporarily uses double the disk space.
    Options Optionally, select any of the following options:
    • Obfuscate network addresses, hostnames, and usernames – Select this checkbox to intentionally render this information unclear and harder to understand.
    • Use verbose logging – Select this checkbox to gather more logging information than the normal logging mode.

    Upon clicking Run report on the Run new report dialog, a progress label appears. This progress label indicates the completion percentage for rendering a completed report.


    If the system has a lot of packages installed, the report collection process might take a longer time to complete. To stop the report from generating, click Stop report.

    Upon rendering a completed report, the Run new report dialog automatically closes, and the name of the newly generated report appears on the System diagnostics page.


    By default, the Cockpit generated report data is saved to a tar file format in the Cockpit user home/downloads directory.