Create a Pod Group

Using the Podman web console page, Cockpit users can create an empty pod group. After creating a pod group, users can add and manage containers within the pod group.

What Do You Need?


Using the Cockpit web console, follow these steps to create a pod group.

  1. In the Cockpit navigation pane, click Podman.

    The Podman page appears.

  2. In the Podman page, navigate to the Container table and click Create pod.

    The Create pod dialog appears.

  3. In the Create pod dialog, specify the following properties and then click Create.
    Name By default, a system provided pod name appears in the Name text box. Choose to keep this name or remove it and specify a new name.
    Owner The following Owner options appear only for users with administrator or root privileges.
    • System: Select to create a system ownership pod group.
    • User: Select to create a local user ownership pod group.


    The local user ownership pod group is created by default for Cockpit users with limited access privileges. For more information about running pods or containers as a non-root user, see Special Considerations for Non Administrator Containers.
    Port Mapping (optional) Use the Port Mapping properties to set port mappings between the pod group containers and host system. Specifying port mapping exposes services running inside a host container.
    To set port mappings, do the following:
    1. Click Add Port Mapping. The Add Port Mapping dialog appears.
    2. Enter an IP address, host name, and container port.
    3. Select a Protocol from the drop-down list box.

    For more information about configuring Port Mappings, see Configuring Port Mappings for Containers in Oracle Linux: Podman User's Guide.

    Volumes (optional) Use the Volume properties to share file system space on host system with pod group containers.
    To configure the storage volume properties, do the following:
    1. Click Add Volumes. The Add Volumes dialog appears.
    2. Enter a host path and container path.
    3. (Optional) Select the Writable checkbox to create a writable volume.
    4. In the SELinux drop down list, select one of the following options: No Label, Shared or Private.

    For more information about volumes, see Using Volumes with Containers in .

    For more information about configuring SELinux with Podman, see Setting SELinux permission in Containers in Oracle Linux: Podman User's Guide.

    An empty pod group is created and appears in the Container table. To add a container to the pod group, see Add a Container to a Pod Group.