6 DTrace Built-in Variable Reference

DTrace includes a set of built-in scalar variables that can be used in D programs or scripts.

Macro Variables

Macro variables are variables that are populated at runtime and identify information about the running dtrace process or the process running the compiler.

The D compiler defines a set of built-in macro variables that you can use when writing D programs or interpreter files. Macro variables are identifiers that are prefixed with a dollar sign ($) and are expanded once by the D compiler when processing an input file or script. The following table describes the macro variables that the D compiler provides.

Table 6-1 D Macro Variables

Name Description Reference


Macro arguments

See Macro Arguments


Effective group ID

See the getegid(2) manual page.


Effective user ID

See the geteuid(2) manual page.


Real group ID

See the getgid(2) manual page.


Process ID

See the getpid(2) manual page.


Process group ID

See the getpgid(2) manual page.


Parent process ID

See the getppid(2) manual page.


Session ID

See the getsid(2) manual page.


Target process ID

See Target Process ID


Real user ID

See the getuid(2) manual page

The variables expand to the attribute value associated with the current dtrace process or whatever process is running the D compiler. All the macro variables expand to integers that correspond to system attributes, such as the process ID and the user ID, except the $[0-9]+ macro arguments and the $target macro variable.

Using macro variables in interpreter files lets you create persistent D programs that you don't need to edit every time you want to use them. For example, to count all system calls, except those that are run by the dtrace command, use the following D program clause containing $pid:

/pid != $pid/
  @calls = count();

This clause always behaves as expected, even though each invocation of the dtrace command has a different process ID. Macro variables can be used in a D program anywhere that an integer, identifier, or string can be used.

Macro variables are expanded only one time when the input file or script is parsed, not recursively.

Except in probe descriptions, each macro variable is expanded to form a separate input token and can't be concatenated with other text to yield a single token.

For example, if $pid expands to the value 456, the D code in the following example would expand to the two adjacent tokens 123 and 456, resulting in a syntax error, rather than the single integer token 123456:


However, in probe descriptions, macro variables are expanded and concatenated with adjacent text.

Macro variables are only expanded one time within each probe description field and they can't contain probe description delimiters (:).

Macro Arguments

The D compiler also provides a set of macro variables corresponding to any more argument operands that are specified as part of the dtrace command invocation. These macro arguments are accessed by using the built-in names $0, for the name of the D program file or dtrace command, $1, for the first extra operand, $2 for the second operand, and so on. If you use the -s option, $0 expands to the value of the name of the input file that's used with this option. For D programs that are specified on the command line, $0 expands to the value of argv[0], which is used to run the dtrace command itself.

Macro arguments can expand to integers, identifiers, or strings, depending on the form of the corresponding text. As with all macro variables, macro arguments can be used anywhere integer, identifier, and string tokens can be used in a D program.

All of the following examples could form valid D expressions assuming appropriate macro argument values:

execname == $1  /* with a string macro argument */

x += $1         /* with an integer macro argument */

trace(x->$1)    /* with an identifier macro argument */

Macro arguments can be used to create DTrace interpreter files that run as normal Linux commands and use information that's specified by a user or by another tool to change their behavior.

For example, the following D interpreter file traces write() system calls that are run by a particular process ID and saved in a file named tracewrite:

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s 
/pid == $1/

If you make this interpreter file executable, you can specify the value of $1 by using an extra command line argument after the interpreter file, for example:

sudo chmod a+rx ./tracewrite
sudo ./tracewrite 12345

The resulting command invocation counts each write() system call that's made by the process ID 12345.

If a D program references a macro argument that isn't provided on the command line, an appropriate error message is printed and the program fails to compile, as shown in the following example output:

dtrace: failed to compile script ./tracewrite: line 4: 
  macro argument $1 is not defined

D programs can reference unspecified macro arguments if you set the defaultargs option. If defaultargs is set, unspecified arguments have the value 0. See DTrace Runtime and Compile-time Options Reference for more information about D compiler options. The D compiler also produces an error message if other arguments that aren't referenced by the D program are specified on the command line.

The macro argument values must match the form of an integer, identifier, or string. If the argument doesn't match any of these forms, the D compiler reports an appropriate error message. When specifying string macro arguments to a DTrace interpreter file, surround the argument in an extra pair of single quotes to avoid interpretation of the double quotes and string contents by the shell:

sudo ./foo '"a string argument"'

If you want D macro arguments to be interpreted as string tokens, even if they match the form of an integer or identifier, prefix the macro variable or argument name with two leading dollar signs, for example, $$1, which forces the D compiler to interpret the argument value as if it were a string surrounded by double quotes. All the usual D string escape sequences, per Table 3-6, are expanded inside any string macro arguments, regardless of whether they're referenced by using the $arg or $$arg form of the macro. If the defaultargs option is set, unspecified arguments that are referenced with the $$arg form have the value of the empty string ("").

Target Process ID

Use the $target macro variable to create scripts to be applied to the user process of interest that you specify with the -p option or that you create by using the dtrace command with the -c option. The D programs that you specify on the command line or by using the -s option are compiled after processes are created or grabbed, and the $target variable expands to the integer process ID of the first such process.

For example, you could use the following D script to find the distribution of system calls that are made by a particular subject process. Save it in a file named syscall.d:

/pid == $target/
  @[probefunc] = count();

To find the number of system calls made by the date command, save the script in the file named syscall.d, then run the following command:

sudo dtrace -s syscall.d -c date


The typed arguments, if any, to the current probe. The args[] array is accessed using an integer index, but each element is defined to be the type corresponding to the specific probe argument. For information about any typed arguments, use dtrace -l with the verbose option -v and check Argument Types.

arg0, …, arg9

int64_t arg0, ..., arg9

The built-in variables arg0,arg1 and so on, represent the first ten input arguments to a probe, represented as raw 64-bit integers. Values are meaningful only for arguments defined for the current probe.


uintptr_t caller

The built-in variable caller references the program counter location of the current kernel thread at the time the probe fired.


cpuinfo_t * curcpu

The built-in variable curcpu references the current physical CPU.


vmlinux`struct task_struct * curthread

The built-in variable curthread references a vmlinux data type, for which members can be found by searching for "task_struct" on the Internet.


uint_t epid

The built-in variable epid references the enabled probe ID (EPID) for the current probe. This integer uniquely identifies a particular probe that's enabled with a specific predicate and set of functions.


int errno

The built-in variable errno references the error value returned by the last system call run by this thread.


string execname

The built-in variable execname references the name that was passed to execve() to run the current process.


gid_t gid

The built-in variable gid references the real group ID of the current process.


uint_t id

The built-in variable id references the probe ID for the current probe. This ID is the system-wide unique identifier for the probe, as published by DTrace and listed in the output of dtrace -l.


uint_t ipl

The built-in variable ipl references the interrupt priority level (IPL) on the current CPU at probe firing time.


This value is non-zero if interrupts are firing and zero otherwise. The non-zero value depends on whether preemption is active, and other factors, and can vary between kernel releases and kernel configurations.


pid_t pid

The built-in variable pid references the process ID of the current process.


pid_t ppid

The built-in variable ppid references the parent process ID of the current process.


string probefunc

The built-in variable probefunc references the function name part of the current probe's description.


string probemod

The built-in variable probemod references the module name part of the current probe's description.


string probename

The built-in variable probename references the name part of the current probe's description.


string probeprov

The built-in variable probeprov references the provider name part of the current probe's description.


uint32_t stackdepth

The built-in variable stackdepth references the current thread's stack frame depth at probe firing time.


id_t tid

The built-in variable tid references the task ID of the current thread.


uint64_t timestamp

The built-in variable timestamp references the current value of a nanosecond timestamp counter. This counter increments from an arbitrary point in the past. Therefore, only use the timestamp counter for relative computations.


uint64_t ucaller

The built-in variable ucaller references the program counter location of the current user thread at the time the probe fired.


uid_t uid

The built-in variable uid references the real user ID of the current process.


uint64_t uregs[]

The current thread's saved user-mode register values at probe firing time.


uint32_t ustackdepth

The built-in variable ustackdepth references the user thread's stack frame depth at probe firing time.


uint64_t vtimestamp

The built-in variable vtimestamp references the current value of a nanosecond timestamp counter that's virtualized to the amount of time that the current thread has been running on a CPU, minus the time spent in DTrace predicates and functions. This counter increments from an arbitrary point in the past. Therefore, only use the vtimestamp counter for relative time computations.


int64_t walltimestamp

The built-in variable walltimestamp references the current number of nanoseconds since 00:00 Universal Coordinated Time, January 1, 1970.