Using the Ksplice Uptrack API Commands

The Python bindings include the following commands, which cover common uses of the Ksplice Uptrack API.

The commands use the API user name and key for authentication.


The uptrack-api-authorize command uses the authorize API call to change the authorization for a single system, as shown in the following examples.

To deny a system:

uptrack-api-authorize -u api_username -k api_key uuid deny

Output might appear as follows:

Successfully denied access for uuid.

To allow a system:

uptrack-api-authorize -u api_username -k api_key uuid allow

Output might appear as follows:

Successfully allowed access for uuid .


To view the API username and API key, sign in to and then select the Settings tab.

The UUID of a registered system is stored in /var/lib/uptrack/uuid on the system. An example of a UUID is e82ba0ae-ad0a-4b92-a776-62b502bfd29d.


The uptrack-api-describe command uses the describe API call to get detailed information about a single system, which is specified by its UUID, for example:

uptrack-api-describe -u api_username -k api_key uuid

Output might appear as follows: (
Effective kernel: 2.6.18-194.11.1.el5
This machine is no longer active
Last seen on 2010-09-12T10:19:35Z
OS status: Up to date
Or, you can specify the --this-machine option if you're running the script on the system you want to check:
uptrack-api-describe -u api_username -k api_key --this-machine
Output might appear as follows: (
Effective kernel: 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5
This machine is active
Last seen on 2010-09-15T12:43:07Z
OS status: Out of date:
   * Install v8gacfip CVE-2010-2521: Remote buffer overflow in NFSv4 server.
   * Install 3c4sopia CVE-2010-2226: Read access to write-only files in XFS filesystem.
   * Install oiqwvltu CVE-2010-2240: Privilege escalation vulnerability in memory management.


The uptrack-api-list command uses the machines API call to return a list of all systems and their status, for example:
uptrack-api-list -u api_username -k api_key
Output might appear as follows:
- ( outofdate
- ( outofdate (inactive)
- ( uptodate
- ( uptodate

Viewing The API Username and API Key

  1. Sign in to
  2. Select the Settings tab.

Generating a New API Key


Generating a new API key invalidates the existing API key.

  1. Sign in to

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. On the Settings page, select the Generate a new API key? checkbox and click Save Changes.

Specifying the username and api_key Variables

If you set the username and api_key variables in the /etc/uptrack-api.conf file, you don't need to supply these variables as command line arguments to the scripts.

Place the variables under an [uptrack] section heading, for example:
username =
api_key  = 3af3c2c1ec407feb0fdc9fc1d8c4460c 
You can also set the username and api_key variables in the UPTRACK_API_USERNAME and UPTRACK_API_KEY environment variables, for example:
export UPTRACK_API_KEY=3af3c2c1ec407feb0fdc9fc1d8c4460c
uptrack-api-describe --this-machine

Specifying a Proxy

If you access the internet by using a proxy, specify the connection information in the [uptrack] section of the /etc/uptrack-api.conf file, as shown in the following example:
https_proxy = [protocol://][username:password@]proxy[:port] 

In the previous example, protocol is either specified as http or https, username and password authenticate you with the proxy (if required), and proxy and port are the host name/IP address and port number that you use to connect to the proxy server.

The following example shows how you might specify this connection information:

https_proxy =

Note that the proxy must support HTTPS connections.