Chapter 2 Action Items

This chapter describes the steps that you may need to take on any systems running Oracle Linux to cater to this update.

If your system is already configured to use the modular release RPM-based yum configuration system, no additional action is required; you can install additional yum repository configuration files, as needed, by following the instructions in Section 2.3, “Installing Additional Repository Configurations”.

2.1 Checking a System for Modular Yum

To check that your system is using the new modular yum configuration, perform the following actions:

  1. Check that you have the appropriate base oraclelinux-release-rel package installed for your Oracle Linux release. For example, on Oracle Linux 7, do:

    # rpm -q oraclelinux-release-el7
  2. Check that you do not have an old monolithic public-yum-rel.repo yum repository configuration file enabled. For example, on Oracle Linux 7, do:

    # ls /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo
    ls: cannot access /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo: No such file or directory

    If this file exists and you have the base oraclelinux-release-rel package installed, you may still need to run the /usr/bin/ script. See Section 2.2, “Updating to Modular Yum”.

If your system is already configured to use the modular yum configuration system, no additional action is required and you can install additional yum repository configuration files, as needed, by following the instructions in Section 2.3, “Installing Additional Repository Configurations”.

2.2 Updating to Modular Yum

If you are using the old monolithic public-yum-rel.repo yum repository configuration file, you must first install the appropriate base oraclelinux-release-rel package for your Oracle Linux release. For example, on Oracle Linux 7, do:

# yum install oraclelinux-release-el7

Note that if you have the _latest repository enabled for your Oracle Linux release, the package is also automatically installed when you run the yum update command.

After this package is installed, several small repository configuration files are created in /etc/yum.repos.d. By default, if a monolithic public-yum-rel.repo yum repository configuration file already exists, the new modular yum repository configuration files are disabled.

To complete the update, and to migrate the settings contained in an existing public-yum-rel.repo yum repository configuration file, you must run the /usr/bin/ script that is included in the latest oraclelinux-release-rel package.

The /usr/bin/ script installs any additional release RPM files that are required to match the repositories you have enabled in the existing public-yum-rel.repo yum repository configuration file. The script also updates any of the smaller, modular repository configuration files to enable or disable repositories to match your original configuration. Finally, the script disables the monolithic repository file by renaming it to public-yum-rel.repo.rpmnew-disabled. The new modular repository configuration files are enabled.

Your system is now current and all updates to yum configuration are handled automatically when you run the yum update command. You can install additional yum repository configuration files, as needed, by following the instructions in Section 2.3, “Installing Additional Repository Configurations”.

2.3 Installing Additional Repository Configurations

After you have updated to use the modular yum configuration, all of the yum repositories that you previously enabled are also enabled. However, previously, to enable another yum repository you could download the latest version of the monolithic yum configuration file and edit that. Now, you need to install the appropriate package to obtain the yum repository configuration file where this information is installed.

At the time of this change, the packages listed in the following table are available for this purpose.

RPM Package Names

Description of Contents



Oracle Linux, UEK & Virtualization tools



Oracle Linux patch repositories (for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure customers only)



Software Collection Library for Oracle Linux



Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux



Spacewalk Server



Spacewalk Client



Gluster Storage


Ceph Storage



Oracle Instant Client


EPEL for Oracle Linux



Packages for Developers and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure



MySQL Community releases


Stable releases of the Go programming language



Stable PHP releases



Stable Node.js releases


Additional repositories are available for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure customers to facilitate the use of some supported tools within this environment.

To obtain a current listing of all of the release packages that are available for your Oracle Linux release, use the yum command to list packages with the release-el name scheme. For example, you would search for all of the release packages that are available for Oracle Linux 7 as follows:

# yum list *release-el7*

To install any of these yum release packages, use the yum install command, for example:

# yum install oracle-softwarecollection-release-el7

After a release package is installed, some repositories within the installed repository configuration files are enabled by default. However, in some cases you may need to enable additional repositories that you wish to use within a configuration. If you have the yum-utils package installed, you can use yum-config-manager to enable a repository, for example:

# yum-config-manager --enable ol7_addons

If you need to disable a repository, you can also use yum-config-manager to achieve this. For example:

# yum-config-manager --disable ol7_spacewalk27_client

Use yum repolist to see which repositories are enabled or disabled on your system:

# yum repolist enabled
# yum repolist disabled

2.4 Maintaining Yum Repository Configuration

Yum repository configuration is automatically synchronized with updates at Oracle by using the yum command. To keep your yum repository configurations current, perform a regular system update. When you perform system updates by using the yum update command, any installed yum release packages are updated and the repository configuration files are updated at the same time.

2.5 Recovering Modular Yum Configuration

If, for some reason, you remove all configuration to access the Oracle Linux yum server repositories, create a temporary yum repository configuration file at /etc/yum.repos.d/ol7-temp.repo with the following as the minimum required content:

name=Oracle Linux $releasever Latest ($basearch)

Then, reinstall the oraclelinux-release-el7 package to restore the default yum configuration:

# yum reinstall oraclelinux-release-el7
# rm /etc/yum.repos.d/ol7-temp.repo

For more information about manually setting up Oracle Linux yum server repository configuration files, see