Errata Methods

Errata methods are available in the channel namespace. The following methods are provided for interacting with errata that are available on ULN:


The applicableToChannels method returns a list of all channels to which the specified erratum applies..

  • Input Parameters
    string sessionKey

    The session key for the session. For example: JyUVNoT74BFaRJ6fRjDIQ5idPmCaj5UJLb76E2f45Gc.

    string advisoryName

    The name of the erratum (for example, ELSA-2013-0269).

  • Return Parameters

    An array of channels:

    struct (channel)

    A structure containing the following strings:

    string channel_id

    The identifier for a channel in the ULN infrastructure. For example: 1844

    string channel_label

    The label for the channel. For example: ol7_x86_64_latest

    string channel_name

    The full name for the channel. For example: Oracle Linux 7 Latest (x86_64)

    string parent_channel_label

    The parent channel label. Not currently used on ULN.


The getDetails method returns detailed information for the specified erratum. Note that the method only fills in the errata_severity field for security errata.

  • Input Parameters
    string sessionKey

    The session key for the session. For example: JyUVNoT74BFaRJ6fRjDIQ5idPmCaj5UJLb76E2f45Gc

    string advisoryName

    The name of the erratum. For example: ELSA-2013-0269

  • Return Parameters

    An array of detailed information associated with the erratum:

    struct (erratum)

    A structure containing the following strings:

    string errata_description

    The detailed description of the erratum. For example: [0:1.2.1-7.3]\n- Add missing connection hostname check against X.509 certificate name\n- Resolves: CVE-2012-5784

    string errata_issue_date

    The date the erratum was issued. For example: 2/19/13

    string errata_last_modified_date

    The date the erratum was last modified: For example: 2013-02-19 00:00:00

    string errata_notes

    Notes associated with the erratum. Usually empty.

    string errata_references

    References of the erratum. Usually empty.

    string errata_severity

    The severity level set for the erratum. For example: Moderate

    string errata_synopsis

    A brief synopsis of the erratum. For example: axis security update

    string errata_topic

    The topic for the erratum. Usually empty.

    string errata_type

    The type for the erratum. For example: Security Advisory

    string errata_update_date

    The errata update date. For example: 2/19/13


The listCves method returns a list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) IDs that are applicable to the specified erratum ID.

  • Input Parameters
    string sessionKey

    The session key for the session. For example: JyUVNoT74BFaRJ6fRjDIQ5idPmCaj5UJLb76E2f45Gc

    string advisoryName

    The name of the erratum. For example: ELSA-2018-2942

  • Return Parameters

    An array of CVE IDs. If no matching CVE IDs are found, the array is empty:

    string cve_name

    The CVE ID associated with the erratum ID. For example: CVE-2018-3136


The listPackage method returns a list of all packages applicable to the specified erratum ID.

  • Input Parameters
    string sessionKey

    The session key for the session. For example: JyUVNoT74BFaRJ6fRjDIQ5idPmCaj5UJLb76E2f45Gc

    string advisoryName

    The name of the erratum. For example: ELSA-2018-2942

  • Return Parameters

    An array of packages:

    struct (package)

    A structure containing the following strings:

    array download_urls

    An array of URLs where the package can be downloaded from.

    string url

    URL value.

    To access a URL, include the X-ULN-Api-User-Key header with the value of the session key that was returned when you authenticated. For example:
    curl -H "X-ULN-Api-User-Key: JyUVNoT74BFaRJ6fRjDIQ5idPmCaj5UJLb76E2f45Gc" \
    array providing_channels

    An array listing channels providing this package.

    string label

    A string with the channel label as a value. For example: ol7_x86_64_latest

    string package_arch_label

    The package architecture label. For example: i686

    string package_build_date

    The date and timestamp for when the package was built. For example: 2018-10-17 16:39:10

    string package_build_host

    For example:

    string package_cookie

    The package cookie value. Usually empty.

    string package_description

    The full description of the package. For example: The OpenJDK demos.

    string package_epoch

    The package epoch value, if specified. The epoch value can help RPM determine package version ordering if the versioning does not make sense or does not follow sequentially. For example: 1

    string package_file

    The package filename. For example: java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo-

    string package_id

    For example: 11807834

    string package_last_modified_date

    The date and timestamp for when the package was last modified. For example: 2018-10-17 16:39:10

    string package_license

    The license or licenses that a package is released under. For example: ASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and BSD and BSD with advertising and GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2 with exceptions and IJG and LGPLv2+ and MIT and MPLv2.0 and Public Domain and W3C and zlib

    string package_md5sum

    The package md5sum value. For example: 1508de7bafe0d6fe0814d216cbbb354b

    string package_name

    The package name. For example: java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo

    string package_payload_size

    The package payload size in bytes. For example: 4412184

    string package_release

    The package release value. For example: 0.el7_5

    string package_size

    The package size in bytes. For example: 4293131

    string package_summary

    A summary of the contents of the package. For example: OpenJDK Demos

    string package_vendor

    The package vendor name. For example: Oracle America

    string package_version

    The package version. For example:

    struct package_checksums

    A structure, listing package checksum values by type:

    string md5

    The md5 hash for the package checksum value. For example: 1508de7bafe0d6fe0814d216cbbb354b