How to Install Using AI Media

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profiles to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Install Oracle Solaris.

  1. Download the AI boot image.
    1. Go to
    2. Select Installation from CD/DVD or USB.
    3. Under the Automated Installer Boot Image heading, download either the ISO image or the USB image.

      Make sure to download the image that corresponds to the client platform on which the OS will be installed.

  2. Review the default AI manifest (default.xml).
    1. View the contents of the manifest copy.

      In the following example, the downloaded image is mounted so you can copy the manifest to a target file for viewing.

      $ /usr/sbin/mount -o ro -F hsfs /tmp/sol-11_4-20-ai-x86.iso /mnt
      $ cp /mnt/auto_install/manifest/default.xml /home/username/custom.xml
      $ umount /mnt
    2. If necessary, add instructions to the copied manifest.
    3. Store the customized manifest on an HTTP server.
  3. Perform one of the following:
    • If you downloaded the ISO image, ensure that it is on an accessible location.

    • If you downloaded the USB image, copy the image to a USB media.

      If the system does not have any Oracle Solaris installed, use the dd command. For example:

      # dd bs=16k conv=sync if=image-path of=/dev/rdsk/disk

      If the system with the downloaded image has an existing Oracle Solaris installation, you can use the usbcopy command instead of ddu, provided that the pkg:/install/distribution-constructor package has also been installed.

  4. Boot from the device that contains the boot image.

    Choose one of the following boot methods depending on your system's platform.

    • Booting a SPARC system

      1. From the OBP prompt, use the boot command with appropriate options.

        To boot using the default AI manifest:

        ok> boot media - install

        To boot using a customized manifest:

        ok> boot media - install aimanifest=prompt

        At the prompt, specify the manifest's path in the HTTP server, such as

        To boot without installing for troubleshooting purposes:

        ok> boot media
    • Booting an x86 system

      1. From the GRUB menu, decide whether to install with the default AI manifest or a customized manifest.

      2. For either method, select an option depending on where you want installation output to be displayed:

        Select ttya to send output to COM1 or ttyb to send output to COM2.

      3. To boot without installing, do the following:

        1. Type e to edit boot arguments.

        2. On the $multiboot line, remove the install=true statement, if present.

    The installation begins. After the operation, the SCI Tool prompts you for added configuration information.

  5. At the SCI Tool prompt, manually provide configuration information on the SCI Tool panels.