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Manually Installing an Oracle® Solaris 11.4 System

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Updated: August 2021

Text Installer Panels

Panels for Configuring the Installation

This appendix describes the different screens or panels that are displayed when you run the text installer. These panels provide options that enable you to determine how the installation runs.

Use the function keys listed at the bottom of each panel to navigate between the panels. Use the arrow keys to move between fields in a given panel. If your keyboard does not have function keys or if the keys do not respond, press ESC to view alternate keys for navigation.

At any time during the installation, you may back up to a previous panel.

Discovery Selection Panel

On this panel, you select the discovery method for the disk on which you want to install the operating system.

  • Local Disks – to use disks that are attached to the computer, including internal and external hard disks.

  • iSCSI – to search for remote disks accessible over a network using the iSCSI standard. Make sure that you have completed the configuration as provided in the example in Step 4 of How to Perform a Text Installation. If you select this option, another screen prompts for additional information:

    Target IP

    IP address of the iSCSI target. Provide four numbers in the range 0-255. The system at this IP address must be online and accessible. This field is required.

    Target LUN

    Logical Unit Number of the iSCSI device located at the provided IP address. This field is optional.

    Target Name

    Name of the iSCSI target in iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) format. This field is optional.


    Port number used in conjunction with the provided IP address for discovering the iSCSI device. Typically, 3260 is used for iSCSI. This field is optional.

    Initiator Name

    Initiator node name to be set for the iSCSI discovery session. For iSCSI booting, this field is hidden because the initiator node name cannot be modified. This field is generated for you.

    CHAP Name

    If using CHAP for authentication, the CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) name to be used for authentication. This field is optional.

    CHAP Password

    CHAP secret value for authentication. If provided, this value must be between 12 and 16 characters long. This field is optional.

    Selecting the iSCSI option might cause a small delay proceeding with the installation while the details you provided are validated. If the iSCSI LUN cannot be discovered, an error is displayed. You cannot proceed until the problem is resolved, either by entering valid criteria or by deselecting iSCSI.

Disk Panel

If your system has multiple disks, these disks would be listed on this panel, where you can either accept the default selection or choose another disk as the installation target.

Partitions Panel

On this panel, you would choose from one of the following options which part of the disk to use for the operating system.

  • Use the entire disk

  • Use a GPT partition

    You would specify the target installation partition. If the existing partition table is unreadable, the panel would propose a partition, and data on the disk is destroyed during the installation.

      Note the following:

    • If the disk contains existing DOS partitions, up to four DOS primary partitions are displayed. If a DOS extended partition exists, its logical partitions are also displayed in the disk layout order within the extended partition. Only one Oracle Solaris partition is allowed, and that Oracle Solaris partition must be used for the installation. The Oracle Solaris partition can be a logical partition within an extended partition.

    • If the disk contains existing GPT partitions, the GPT partitions are displayed. Up to seven GPT partitions are supported. You can create one or more Oracle Solaris partitions during the installation, but you must choose one Oracle Solaris partition as the installation target. If there are multiple, existing Oracle Solaris GPT partitions, the first suitable Oracle Solaris GPT partition will be chosen by default as the installation target.

    On SPARC systems, the installation process will prompt for information about the disks.

    For detailed partitioning instructions, see Partitioning a System During an Interactive Installation, or see the online help in the installer.

Boot Panel

Specifying options on this panel is optional. The panel displays the dedicated on-board devices as well as other boot devices. By default, the Dedicated and Selected columns show Yes for these devices. Use the F5 key to change the boot pool devices.

System Identity Panel

Provide a computer name to identify the system on the network.

Network Panel

On this panel, you would determine how to configure the wired Ethernet network connection. Your options depend on whether the network is unconfigured, or if you want to use DHCP, or if you prefer to manually configure the network yourself. You can also select to skip the network configuration process.

In both DHCP or manual configuration, IPv6 autoconfiguration is enabled on the interface.

Manual network configuration generates its own set of additional panels. After you select a connection to be configured, the following panels are displayed:

  • Manually Configure, where you either specify the type of connection settings or accept the default information as detected and provided by the installer.

    Note - The IP address and netmask are required fields. The router is an optional field.

    Only one wired network interface may be configured.

  • DNS Name Service, where, if you select to use this service, you would need to provide the following information:

    • Name of the DNS Service.

    • At least one IP address for a DNS server.

    • At least one domain name to be searched when a DNS query is made.

  • Alternate Name Service:

    If you selected to use the DNS name service, LDAP would be set up as an alternate name service. Otherwise, LDAP would be the only name service.

    Select None if you want to manually configure LDAP without an LDAP profile after installation is completed. If no network naming services are selected, network names can be resolved by using standard name source files such as /etc/hosts. For further information, see the nsswitch.conf(5) man page.

  • Domain Name

    On this panel you would specify the domain where the system resides for the selected alternate name service.

    Note - To determine the domain name, check with your system administrator. Or, use the domainname command on a previously installed system.
  • LDAP Profile

    To use LDAP as an alternate name service, you would provide the following LDAP information on this panel:

    • LDAP profile to be used to configure the LDAP name service on the system

    • IP address for the LDAP profile server

    • LDAP search base

    • On the LDAP Proxy panel, specify whether LDAP proxy bind information will be provided.

      If needed, provide the LDAP proxy bind distinguished name and proxy bind password.

Additional Panels

The following additional panels are displayed after the Network Panel:

  • Time Zone: Select the region, location, and time zone.

  • Locale: Select the language and language territory.

  • Date and time: Specify the date and time.

  • Keyboard: Select the keyboard layout.

User Panel

You are not required to create a user account, but you must create a root password.

If you create a user account in this panel, you need to provide both the user's password and a root password. The user is then assigned the root role.

Support-Related Items

These panels enable you to specify your support configurations:

  • Support registration where you determine how you want to start Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR).

  • Support – Network Configuration where you select an access method for ASR:

    • No proxy

    • Proxy – the next panel prompts for the proxy hostname, port number, and username and password if using secure proxy.

    • Aggregation Hubs – the next panel prompts for the OCM Hub URL and the ASR Manager URL.

Summary Panel

This panel gathers and displays all the information you previously specified to enable you to review your choices. You can go back to previous screens if you want to make any specification changes.

Make sure that you review the information thoroughly before you proceed with the installation to ensure that your specifications are correct.