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Manually Installing an Oracle® Solaris 11.4 System

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Updated: August 2021

How to Perform a Text Installation

This procedure assumes you are using a USB image for installation.

Before You Begin

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profiles to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Install Oracle Solaris.

  1. Boot the client from the media with the USB image.
  2. If requested, make any preliminary keyboard and language selections.

    Note - The keyboard and language selections are requested during the x86 installation process. These values are preset for the SPARC installation process.

    The main menu appears.

    1 Install Oracle Solaris
    2 Shell
    3 Terminal type (currently sun-color)
    4 Reboot
    Please enter a number [1]:
  3. (Optional)Type 2 to go to the shell command prompt.

    This enables you to perform tasks that require you to use the command line. After using the command lines, press Ctrl-D to return to the menu.

    For example, suppose that you want to use iSCSI discovery over IPoIB connections. If the connections have not yet been set, then you would need to configure IPoIB similar to the following example.

    # dladm show-ib
    net4     212800013F2EC6 212900013F2EC7 1    down    -          --FFFF
    net5     212800013F2EC6 212900013F2EC8 1    up      -          --FFFF
    # dladm create-part -l net5 -P 0xFFFF ibd5Creating the partition.
    # dladm show-part
    LINK         PKEY  OVER         STATE    FLAGS
    ibd5         FFFF  net5         unknown  ----
    # ipadm create-ip ibd5Creating the IP interface over the partition.
    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a ibd5/v4Configuring IP address.
    # ^DExiting the shell.

    Note - For non-IPoIB connections, network configuration is an option you can choose as part of the installation process.
  4. Type 1 to begin the installation.
  5. On the opening screen, use the "Continue" function key to move to the next panel.
  6. On the series of screens that appear, provide the information as prompted.

    For a description of these installation screens and the type of information that is required, see Text Installer Panels.

  7. On the summary screen, press the function key to apply the installation specifications that you have provided.

    Caution  - Do not interrupt an installation that is in progress. An incomplete installation can leave a disk in an indeterminate state.

  8. On the final screen, select to reboot the system.

    To view the log contents, go to /var/log/install/install_log after the system reboot is completed.

  9. (Optional)To add the solaris-large-server and solaris-desktop packages, issue the following commands.
    # pkg install solaris-desktop
    # pkg install solaris-large-server

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