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Manually Installing an Oracle® Solaris 11.4 System

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Updated: August 2021

How to Start a Text Installation Over the Network

Use this procedure if your system is not equipped to use an installation media. This type of installation performs a minimal installation only of the solaris-auto-install package. You must manually add the larger package as an additional step.

Before You Begin

An AI setup must already be configured. For instructions, see Configuring an AI Server in Automatically Installing Oracle Solaris 11.4 Systems.

You must also download the AI boot image that corresponds to the client's platform as described in How to Prepare for a Text Installation.

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profiles to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Install Oracle Solaris.

  1. Move the downloaded iso file to the AI server.
  2. On the AI server, create an install service for that image.

    For example:

    aiserver$ installadm create-service -n service-name -s boot-image

    Make sure to include the full path to boot-image.

    For more information about install services, see Working With Install Services in Automatically Installing Oracle Solaris 11.4 Systems.

  3. Boot the AI client over the network.
    • For SPARC AI clients, type the following command at the OBP prompt:
      # boot net:dhcp
    • For x86 AI clients, perform these steps:
      1. While the system is booting, press the appropriate function key to access the BIOS screen.

        For example, some systems use F12.

      2. Configure the boot device information to boot the system also from the network, then continue booting.

        The GRUB menu displays the options of using either the text installer or the automated installer to install the operating system.

  4. Select the text installation method and press Enter.

    After some time, the Installation Menu appears:

    1 Install Oracle Solaris
    2 Shell
    3 Terminal type (currently sun-color)
    4 Reboot
    Please enter a number [1]:
  5. Type 1 to begin the installation.
  6. On the opening screen, use the "Continue" function key to move to the next panel.
  7. On the series of screens that appear, provide the information as prompted.

    For a description of these installation screens and the type of information that is required, see Text Installer Panels.

  8. On the summary screen, press the function key to apply the installation specifications that you have provided.

    Caution  - Do not interrupt an installation that is in progress. An incomplete installation can leave a disk in an indeterminate state.

  9. On the final screen, select to reboot the system.

    To view the log contents, go to /var/log/install/install_log after the system reboot is completed.

  10. (Optional)To add the solaris-large-server and solaris-desktop packages, issue the following commands.
    # pkg install solaris-desktop
    # pkg install solaris-large-server