Kernel Zone Evacuation Steps

The overall process for kernel zone evacuation is:

  1. Ensure the requirements are met for the source and target hosts.

    Go to Requirements for Kernel Zone Evacuation.

  2. Set a destination host for each of the migrating kernel zones by setting an SMF service property.

    Go to Setting the Target Host for Kernel Zone Evacuation.

  3. Place the source host in maintenance mode to prevent non-running zones from attaching, booting, or migrating in.

    Go to Setting Maintenance Mode to Prepare for Kernel Zone Evacuation.

  4. Run the evacuate command to migrate the running kernel zones to their preset destination.

    Go to Evacuating Kernel Zones.

  5. Perform the system maintenance on the source host and reboot.

  6. End the maintenance mode on the source host system.

    Go to Ending Maintenance Mode After Kernel Zone Evacuation.

  7. Return the evacuated zones to the source host, if desired. Evacuation can also be used to permanently migrate zones to a new host.

    Go to Returning Evacuated Kernel Zones to the Original System.