How to Configure the SMB Server in Workgroup Mode

Before You Begin

If the Samba service is running on the Oracle Solaris system, you must disable it. See How to Disable the Samba Service.

In workgroup mode, the SMB server is responsible for authenticating users locally when access is requested to shared resources.


You can use the smbadm command to change from workgroup mode to domain mode.
  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Enable the SMB service.
    $ svcadm enable -r smb/server

    This command enables the SMB server and any service on which it depends, such as the idmap service.

  3. (Optional) Change the SMB server to operate in a workgroup other than the default WORKGROUP workgroup.
    $ smbadm join -w workgroup-name
  4. Edit the /etc/pam.d/other file to support creation of an encrypted version of the user's password for SMB.

    Add the following line to the end of the file:

    password required	nowarn

    See the pam_smb_passwd(7) man page.

  5. Specify the password for existing local users.

    The SMB server cannot use the Oracle Solaris encrypted version of the local user's password for authentication. Therefore, you must generate an encrypted version of the local user's password for the SMB server to use. When the SMB PAM module is installed, the passwd command generates this encrypted version of the password.

    $ passwd username

Example 3-2 Configuring the SMB Server in Workgroup Mode

The following example shows how to configure the SMB server in workgroup mode. The name of the workgroup being joined is myworkgroup.

$ svcadm enable -r smb/server
$ smbadm join -w myworkgroup

Install the PAM module and generate the password for user cal.

$ echo "password required nowarn" >> /etc/pam.d/other
$ passwd cal

You would then create a share in order to have SMB clients access the SMB shares on your SMB server.