About the useradm Application

The useradm tool can be used as a command line or interactively. This section focuses on the interactive mode of that tool.

The interative useradm application replaces the Visual Panels User Manager. This application is a remote administration daemon (RAD) client which provides a menu-driven interface for setting up and managing user accounts. Though the application connects to local RAD servers by default, it can connect to remote RAD servers too. The application provides easier user management, password management, and role management options. Any terminal emulator like putty or the Secure Shell (ssh) service can be used to start this application locally or remotely.

Whether in command line mode or interactive mode, use of useradm requires that you must be an administrator or assume a role which has been assigned the User Security rights profile. See Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

For more details about the useradm command, see the useradm(8) man page.

How to Install the useradm Application

The useradm application is not included in a regular Oracle Solaris installation. To use the application, install the package first.
  1. Become the administrator or assume the role that has been assigned the appropriate installation rights.
  2. Install the useradm package.
    $ pkg install useradm
  3. Set the TERM environment variable to xterm-256color.
    $ export TERM=xterm-256color
  4. If using the application remotely, enable the rad:remote SMF service on the remote system.
    $ svcadm enable rad:remote

Using the Interactive useradm Command

The interactive mode of useradm is activated only by using the add or modify subcommand and with only the -S, -q, or -R options, used singly or in combination.
  • -S specifies the naming service repository to use. The choices are files to store account information locally or ldap to have the information managed by LDAP.
  • -q specifies the hostname or netgroup to use for the attributes maintained in the user_attr LDAP container. This option applies only to existing accounts that are maintained by the LDAP name service.
  • -R specifies the URI to connect to a remote RAD server.
All the following sample commands open the useradm interactive window.
  • Creating a new user account jdoe. The information is stored locally.
    $ useradm add -S files jdoe
  • Modifying user jsmith's attribute settings stored in LDAP.
    $ useradm modify -S ldap jsmith
  • Modifying user jack's account information in LDAP so that the attributes are applicable only when the user is using the system with the host name system1.
    $ usermod modify -S ldap -q system1 jack
Likewise, the following commands connect to a remote server and run useradm interactively. Ensure that the rad:remote SMF service is enabled.
  • Starting the useradm application locally while specifying a remote RAD server.
    $ useradm modify -S ldap -R ssh://login-name@server johnsmith@example.com
  • Starting the useradm application directly on the remote server.
    $ ssh joe@server -t useradm modify jane
  • Using two systems to manage user accounts remotely.
    $ ssh -t jane@server1 useradm modify -R rads://jean@server2?auth=pam mary

    In this example, the application is started on one server to modify a user on another server. The user account to log in to the server specified with -R option – jean in this example – is used to manage mary's account settings. Ensure that jean is assigned either the User Security rights profile or has the solaris.auth.delegate authorization on server2.

Attributes in the useradm Window

When you use the useradm command as previously explained, the following window appears:

Figure 3-1 useradm Attributes Window

The following list explains the different options or attributes you can set for users:

Access Times
Specify the days and times at which specific services can be accessed.
Account Type
Specify whether the account you are working with is a normal user account or a role.
Audit Flags
Specify the audit preselection flags of the user.
Specify whether the user must provide an explanation if they are assuming a role or using an authenticated rights profile.
Assign authorizations to user accounts from a list of available options. The names of granted authorizations are listed under the Assigned Groups list.
Assign a primary group and secondary group to user accounts. Available choices in the Group list depends on your system's configuration. When you specify -S files, the list of groups that is displayed is the local list. Otherwise, the list of groups is a combination of local and LDAP groups.
Home Directory
(Optional) If you do not provide any information, the system automatically assigns a default home directory
Idle Sessions
Specify the timeout for a user account in case the user is inactive for a certain amount of time. You can also specify the action to be taken at timeout.
Assign a minimum label and clearances to each user account to restrict their access to confidential process information.
PAM Policy
Specify the PAM policy for the user. For more information, see the pam_user_policy(7) pam_user_policy(7) man page.
Specify default privileges that are assigned to the user's initial login shell.
Assign the rights profile to a user from a list of available profiles. You can also specify if they need re authentication when used.
Displays a list of available projects that can be assigned as the user's default.
Role Access
Assign a role to a user from a list of available choices.
Assign the user's login shell.
Trusted Path
Specify whether the user can remotely access the Trusted Path to manage the RAD services running in immutable zones.

How to Manage Users and Roles Interactively

After the interactive window appears, perform the following steps to configure user attributes.
  1. Select the attributes you want to configure for the user.

    For a description of the attributes, see Attributes in the useradm Window.


    To quickly go to the attribute of your choice, type the first few letters of the attribute.

    Each attribute you select opens additional submenu options.

  2. From the attribute's submenu, select the setting for that attribute.
    Configure as many attributes as you want.
  3. To save your changes, select Commit from the main menu and press Enter.
  4. Select Exit to return to the command line interface.
  5. (Optional) Confirm that all the modifications have been saved.
    $ useradm list [-S [files | ldap]] username