How to Migrate a File System to a ZFS File System

  1. If you are migrating data from a remote NFS server, confirm that the name service information is accessible on both remote and local systems.

    For a large migration using NFS, you might consider doing a test migration of a subset of the data to ensure that the UID, GUID, and ACL information migrates correctly.

  2. If necessary, install the shadow-migration package on the target system.
    $ pkg install shadow-migration
  3. Enable the shadowd service.
    $ svcadm enable shadowd
  4. Set the local or remote file system to be migrated to read-only.
    • If you are migrating a local ZFS file system, set it to read-only. For example:

      $ zfs set readonly=on tank/home/data
    • If you are migrating a remote file system, share it as read-only. For example:

      $ share -F nfs -o ro /export/home/ufsdata
  5. Create the target file system while setting the shadow file to the file system to be migrated.


    The new target ZFS file system must be completely empty. Otherwise, migration will not start.

    Specify the shadow setting depending on the type of system you are migrating.

    • If you are migrating a local file system, specify the source path.

      For example:

      $ zfs create -o shadow=file:///west/home/data users/home/shadow
    • If you are migrating a NFS file system. specify the source host name and path.

      For example:

      $ zfs create -o shadow=nfs://neo/export/home/ufsdata users/home/shadow2
  6. To check the progress of the migration, issue the shadowstat command.

    For examples of how to monitor migrations, see Example 7-11.


    Migrating file system data over NFS can be slow, depending on your network bandwidth. If the system is rebooted during migration, the migration continues after the system boot completes.

Example 7-11 Starting and Monitoring File System Migrations

In this example, multiple migrations are initiated. The shadowadm command lists ongoing migrations while the shadowstat command monitors their progress.

$ zfs create -o shadow=nfs://system2/rpool/data/jsmith/archive rpool/data/copyarchive
$ shadowadm list
PATH                                        STATE
/rpool/data/copyarchive                     ACTIVE

$ zfs create -o shadow=nfs://system2/rpool/data/jsmith/datalogs rpool/data/logcopy
$ shadowadm list
PATH                                        STATE
/rpool/data/copyarchive                     ACTIVE
/rpool/data/logcopy                         ACTIVE

$ shadowstat
                                BYTES   BYTES           ELAPSED
DATASET                         XFRD    LEFT    ERRORS  TIME
rpool/data/copyarchive          34.4M   3.37G   -       00:00:36
rpool/data/logcopy              1.12K   155K    1       (completed)Errors are detected.
rpool/data/copyarchive          34.5M   3.37G   -       00:00:37
rpool/data/logcopy              1.12K   155K    1       (completed)
rpool/data/copyarchive          35.0M   3.37G   -       00:00:38
rpool/data/logcopy              1.12K   155K    1       (completed)
rpool/data/copyarchive          35.2M   3.37G   -       00:00:39
rpool/data/logcopy              1.12K   155K    1       (completed)

The previous shadowstat output indicates errors in the migration to rpool/data/logcopy.

The following output from the shadowstat -E and shadowstate -e commands show that migration to rpool/data/logcopy could not be completed because socket migration is not supported. The shadowadm command cancels the migration.

$ shadowstat -E
No errors encountered.
PATH                                                   ERROR
errdir/cups-socket                                     Operation not supported

$ shadowstat -e /rpool/data/logcopy
PATH                                                   ERROR
errdir/cups-socket                                     Operation not supported

$ shadowadm cancel /rpool/data/logcopy

The following output shows information about the migration to rpool/data/copyarchive, which continues toward completion.

$ shadowadm list
PATH                                        STATE
/rpool/data/copyarchive                     ACTIVE$ shadowstat
                                BYTES   BYTES           ELAPSED
DATASET                         XFRD    LEFT    ERRORS  TIME
rpool/data/copyarchive          251M    3.16G   -       00:01:27
rpool/data/copyarchive          251M    3.16G   -       00:01:28
rpool/data/copyarchive          252M    3.16G   -       00:01:29

$ shadowstat
No migrations in progress.
$ shadowadm list
$ exit