Input Differences Between crash and MDB

In general, input in MDB is similar to crash, except that function names (in MDB, dcmd names) are prefixed with ::. Some MDB dcmds accept a leading expression argument that precedes the dcmd name. Like crash, string options can follow the dcmd name. If a ! character follows a function invocation, MDB will also create a pipeline to the specified shell pipeline. All immediate values specified in MDB are interpreted in hexadecimal by default. The radix specifiers for immediate values are different in crash and MDB as shown in Table B-1.

Table B-1 Radix Specifiers in crash and MDB

crash mdb Radix



hexadecimal (base 16)



decimal (base 10)



binary (base 2)

Many crash commands accepted slot numbers or slot ranges as input arguments. The Oracle Solaris operating system is no longer structured in terms of slots, so MDB dcmds do not provide support for slot-number processing.