Connecting to a RAD Instance by Using a URI in Python

You can use a URI to connect to a local or remote RAD instance. You can use the class RadURI() to connect to a RAD instance. The methods or functions are not required in Python because you can read the attributes of the RAD instances that you create instead of using defined methods. For more information, see Connecting in Python to a RAD Instance by Using a URI.

The following constructor is supported.

def __init__(self, src, schemes = RAD_SCHEMES):

String, which is the URI of a RAD instance


List of strings that specify the schemes to be recognized

The following method is supported:

def connect(self, cred = None):

Credentials that are required for authentication

You can use PAMCredentials class to create PAM credentials for PAM authentication or you can use def get_pam_cred(passw) function, which returns a PAMCredentials object for use in the RadURI.connect() method.