Connecting to a RAD Remote Instance and Authenticating in Python

When connecting to a remote instance, no implicit authentication is performed. The connection is not established until you authenticate. The rad.auth module provides a utility class (RadAuth), which may be used to perform a PAM login. If you provide a username and password, authentication is non-interactive. If you do not provide username and password, you will receive a console prompt for the missing information.

Example 2-32 Python Language – Creating a RAD Remote Connection Over TLS

>>> import rad.connect as radcon
>>> import rad.auth as rada

>>> rc=radcon.connect_tls("host1")
>>> # Illustrate examining RadConnection state.
>>> print rc
<open RadConnection >
>>> auth = rada.RadAuth(rc)
>>> auth.authenticate("jdoe", "xxxpasswordxxx")
>>> <now authenticated and can use this connection>
>>> rc.close()
>>> print rc
<closed RadConnection >

RAD is deployed as two cooperating processes. A proxy process is responsible for authentication and establishing communications. A slave process is created by the proxy and handles module processing. A slave is created for each client connection.