Java Error Handling in RAD

Java provides a exception handling mechanism and RAD errors are propagated using this method. RAD delivers a variety of errors, but the error that requires handling is RadObjectException. The following example shows how to handle RAD errors.

Example 2-29 Java Language – Handling RAD Errors


Connection con = Connection.connectUnix();
    for (ADRName name: con.listObjects(new Zone())) {
        Zone zone =  con.getObject(name);
        try {
        }catch (RadObjectException oe) {
            Result res = (Result) oe.getPayload();
            if (res.getStdout() != null)
            if (res.getStderr() != null)


With RadException exceptions, you might get a payload. This payload is only present if your interface method or property has defined an error element, where the payload is the content of that error. If the interface method or property defines no error element for the interface method or property, then no payload exists and error has a value of null.