RAD Event Handling in Java

This example shows how to subscribe and handle events. The ZoneManager instance defines a stateChange event, which clients can subscribe for information about changes in the runtime state of a zone.

Example 2-28 Java Language – Subscribing to and Handling RAD Events

import com.oracle.solaris.rad.client.ADRName;
import com.oracle.solaris.rad.client.RadEvent;
import com.oracle.solaris.rad.client.RadEventHandler;
import com.oracle.solaris.rad.connect.Connection;
import com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonemgr.*;

ZoneManager zmgr = con.getObject(new ZoneManager());
    con.subscribe(zmgr, "statechange", new StateChangeHandler());

class StateChangeHandler extends RadEventHandler {

    public void handleEvent(RadEvent event, Object payload) {
        StateChange obj = (StateChange) payload;
        System.out.printf("Event: %s", event.toString());
        System.out.printf("\tcode: %s\n", obj.getZone());
        System.out.printf("\told: %s\n", obj.getOldstate());
        System.out.printf("\tnew: %s\n", obj.getNewstate());

To handle an event, implement the RadEventInterface class. The com.oracle.solaris.rad.client package provides a default implementation (RadEventHandler) with limited functions. This class can be extended to provide additional event handling logic as in the example above.

In this example, you have subscribed to a single event by passing a handler and a reference to the ZoneManager object. The handler is invoked asynchronously by the framework with various event details and provided the user data.