Including IDL Files in a Parent IDL File

ADR include feature allows you to include an XML-based IDL file within the parent IDL file. The following example shows how to include the fragment.xml file within the parent.adr file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fragment xmlns="">
<version major="1" minor="0"/>
      Paragraph 1
      Paragraph 2

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?include href="fragment.xml" major="1" minor="0"?>

The <?include ?> processing instruction has the following mandatory attributes:


Path to the included file.


Expected major version of the included fragment.


Expected minor version of the included fragment

Version checking provides a warning in case of minor version mismatch and fail with an error in case of major version mismatch.


You cannot use the standard xi:include directive to include IDL files.