RAD Module Example

Example 2-8 Using Various RAD Module Elements

This example API demonstrates the use of various RAD module elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<api xmlns="https://xmlns.oracle.com/radadr" name="com.oracle.solaris.rad.example">

    Example API

 <!-- A introductory paragraph to describe the API -->
      This API defines PAM authentication methods that may be used to authenticate
      a <strong>rad(8)</strong> client. <emphasis>NOTE: this is only an example
      and may not represent a working authentication interface!</emphasis>

 <version major="1" minor="0"/>

 <!-- An ADR enum type -->
 <!-- Each value in the enum has a short one-line description -->
 <enum name="BlockType" stability="private">
   <value name="CONV">
        conversation must continue
   <value name="SUCCESS">
        authentication has succeeded
   <value name="ERROR">
        authentication has failed

 <!-- An ADR struct type -->
 <!-- Each field in the struct has a short one-line description -->
 <struct name="Block" stability="private">
   <field type="BlockType" name="type">
        the status of the conversation
   <field name="messages" nullable="true">
        the messages to display to the user
     <list type="Message"/>

 <!-- Another ADR enum type -->
 <!-- Use of the verbatim tag to document the enum values -->
 <enum name="MsgType" stability="private">
   <summary>Types of messages that may be returned from a PAM
    conversation </summary>
| MsgType         | Action                              |
| PROMPT_ECHO_OFF | Prompt the user for sensitive data, |
|                 | disabling echo of their response    |
| PROMPT_ECHO_ON  | Prompt the user for non-sensitive   |
|                 | data, echoing their response        |
| TEXT_INFO       | Print a general information message |
| TEXT_INFO       | Print an error message              |
   <value name="PROMPT_ECHO_OFF" />
   <value name="PROMPT_ECHO_ON" />
   <value name="ERROR_MSG" />
   <value name="TEXT_INFO" />

 <!-- Another ADR struct type -->
 <struct name="Message" stability="private">
   <field type="MsgType" name="style">
        this message's type
   <field type="string" name="message">
        the message text

 <interface name="Authentication" stability="private">
     <!-- A paragraph that describes the interface -->
        The <code>Authentication</code> interface implements a PAM exchange to
        authenticate <strong>rad(8)</strong> clients.  Handles to this type of
        object can be retrieved from the RAD server using an object name built

     <!-- An ordered list - items are numbered -->
     <list type="ordered">
          the "<code>com.oracle.solaris.rad.pam</code>" domain name
          a key named "<code>type</code>" paired with a value of

     <!-- A link to the login() method in the Authentication interface -->
     <!-- A link to the Block struct -->
        The <link interface="Authentication" method="login">login()</link> method
        begins a PAM conversation to authenticate as a user. It returns a list
        of <link struct="Block">Block</link> objects encapsulating the status of
        the conversation, the messages that should be displayed, and the input
        that should be collected.

        At each step, when the requested input has been collected, it is
        submitted using <link interface="Authentication"
       method="submit">submit()</link>.  This method also returns a list of
       <link struct="Block">Block</link> objects, allowing the conversation to
        continue indefinitely until authentication is complete.

     <!-- A link to a struct field, and an enum value -->
        When either of the two returns a <link struct="Block">Block</link> whose
       <link struct="Block" field="type">type</link> is <link enum="BlockType"
       value="SUCCESS">SUCCESS</link>, authentication has succeeded and <link
       interface="Authentication" method="complete">complete()</link> should be
        called to close the conversation.

        A typical algorithm for walking through this conversation might be:

     <!-- A program listing, with a caption -->
     <example caption="Authentication interface" language="python">
import rad.connect as radcon
import rad.auth as rada

# Create a connection
# Get a native-looking python object that throws RAD exceptions
auth = rada.RadAuth(rc)
# login with username and password
auth.pam_login("jdoe", "******")
print rc
print rc

        This example uses the rad.auth module which makes simplifying
        assumptions for a default Solaris install.

   <!-- User Identity -->
   <property name="user" type="string" access="ro" nullable="true" stability="private">
        gets the username of the connected user

   <!-- PAM Authentication -->
   <method name="login" stability="private">
        begins a PAM conversation to authenticate as the specified user
     <result type="Block"/>
     <argument type="string" name="locale"/>
     <argument type="string" name="username"/>

   <method name="submit" stability="private">
        continues a PAM conversation with information collected from the
        previous step
     <result type="Block"/>
     <argument name="responses">
       <list type="secret"/>

   <method name="complete" stability="private">
        completes the PAM conversation with the RAD server