Installable Packages

To list packages that are installed and the newest versions of packages that are not installed but could be installed in this image, use the -a option.

$ pkg list -a '*java*8*'
NAME (PUBLISHER)                               VERSION                    IFO
consolidation/java-8/java-8-incorporation             i--
developer/java/jdk-8                                ---
library/java/java-demo-8                            ---
runtime/java/jre-8                                  i--
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8                      8.5.28-     ---
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8/tomcat-admin         8.5.28-     ---
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8/tomcat-examples      8.5.28-     ---

This output indicates that a developer kit, a demo library, and tomcat packages are available and can be installed in this image.

The -a option also shows any matching obsolete packages. An obsolete package shows an o in the O column and cannot be installed. See Renamed, Legacy, and Obsolete Packages for more information.