Newest Packages

To list the newest versions of all matching packages, including packages that cannot be installed in this image, use the -n option.

$ pkg list -n '*java*8*'
NAME (PUBLISHER)                               VERSION                    IFO
consolidation/java-8/java-8-incorporation             ---
developer/java/jdk-8                                ---
library/java/java-demo-8                            ---
runtime/java/jre-8                                  ---
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8                      8.5.28-     ---
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8/tomcat-admin         8.5.28-     ---
web/java-servlet/tomcat-8/tomcat-examples      8.5.28-     ---

The tomcat packages are the same version as the packages listed with the -a option; these tomcat packages could be installed. Other packages on this list are a newer version than the same packages that are listed with the -a option. You know these packages cannot be installed into this image because they are not listed by the -a option. These packages cannot be installed because the version that can be installed is constrained as described in Constraint Packages. To get these packages on your system, you must pkg update the system, which will create a new image.

The newest version of a package could be a renamed, legacy, or obsolete package (shows an r, l, or o in the O column). See Renamed, Legacy, and Obsolete Packages for more information.