Listing Packages by Classification or Category

The following example identifies all installed packages that have Source Code Management in the value of their info.classification attribute:

$ pkg search -Hlo info.classification:'source code management'

The following example shows the package metadata that is matched in this search:

set name=info.classification value="org.opensolaris.category.2008:Development/Source Code Management"

This information is displayed in the Category line in output from the pkg info command.

$ pkg info mercurial-27
             Name: developer/versioning/mercurial-27
          Summary: The Mercurial Source Control Management System
      Description: A fast, lightweight source control management system designed
                   for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.
         Category: Development/Source Code Management
            State: Installed
        Publisher: solaris
          Version: 4.1.3
   Packaging Date: Mon Jul 02 16:32:13 2018
Last Install Time: Mon Aug 06 15:22:47 2018
             Size: 9.90 MB
             FMRI: pkg://solaris/developer/versioning/mercurial-27@4.1.3-
      Project URL:
       Source URL:

See Classification Values in Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle Solaris 11.4 for other classifications that you can search for.

You can also use the pkg list command with a guess at one of the components of the package name, as in the following examples:

$ pkg list -a '*versioning*'
$ pkg list '*storage*'
$ pkg list -n '*database*'