Showing Dependent Packages

These examples show the packages that are dependencies of the specified package.

The following command shows that many packages have a require dependency on the system/network/ldap/openldap package:

$ pkg search -Hlo require:system/network/ldap/openldap

The following pkg contents command confirms the results of the search for one of the search results. The requested output action.raw is a pseudo attribute that displays the action exactly as it appears in the package manifest.

$ pkg contents -t depend -a fmri='*openldap*' -o,action.raw openscap
PKG.NAME                     ACTION.RAW
security/compliance/openscap depend fmri=pkg:/system/network/ldap/openldap@2.4.45- type=require

The following example lists packages that have an exclude dependency on pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidiaR340:

$ pkg contents -rt depend -a type=exclude nvidiaR340
exclude pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidia
exclude pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidiaR304
$ pkg search -o,fmri 'depend:exclude:*nvidiaR340*'
PKG.NAME                   FMRI
driver/graphics/nvidia     pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidiaR340
driver/graphics/nvidiaR304 pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidiaR340