Allowing Alternative System Web Interface URLs

By default, users need to enter the following URL to get to the System Web Interface log-in page on host-name:


If the conf/redirect_root_url property of the webui/server:default service is set to true on host-name, then users can get to the System Web Interface log-in page by entering only the following URL:


The value of the redirect_root_url property is true by default.

If the conf/redirect_from_https property of the webui/server:default service is set to true on host-name, then users can get to the System Web Interface log-in page by entering only host-name for the URL.

The default value of the redirect_from_https property is false. Use the following steps to set the redirect_from_https property to true on host-name:

$ svcprop -p conf/redirect_from_https webui/server:default
$ svccfg -s webui/server:default setprop conf/redirect_from_https=true
$ svccfg -s webui/server:default refresh
$ svcprop -p conf/redirect_from_https webui/server:default