Setting the Landing Page

By default, the landing page is the Solaris Dashboard. To change the landing page to a different page for all users on host-name, set the conf/default_landing_page property of the webui/server:default service. The following example changes the landing page to the Solaris Analytics page:

$ svcprop -p conf/default_landing_page webui/server:default
$ svccfg -s webui/server:default setprop conf/default_landing_page=/solaris/apps/analytics
$ svccfg -s webui/server:default listprop conf/default_landing_page
conf/default_landing_page astring     /solaris/apps/analytics
$ svccfg -s webui/server:default refresh
$ svcprop -p conf/default_landing_page webui/server:default