Displaying Values of Dynamic Partitions
The following command shows that CPU interrupt time is partitioned by level:
$ sstore info //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time
Identifier: //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time
$schema: //:stat
copyright: Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
description: interrupt time
id: //:class.cpu//:stat.interrupt-time
multiplier: 1000000
stability: stable
type: counter
units: milliseconds
index-partition: level
partitions: level
The following command shows that the level
partition is not further partitioned:
$ sstore info //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level
Identifier: //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level
$schema: //:stat
copyright: Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
description: interrupt time
id: //:class.cpu//:stat.interrupt-time
multiplier: 1000000
stability: stable
units: milliseconds
index-partition: level
type: partition
CPU interrupt time levels are defined dynamically. These levels are not defined in metadata.
The following sstore export
command shows the total interrupt time for all levels and the total broken down by level:
$ sstore export -t 2020-08-28T00:02:47 -p 1 \ > //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time \ > //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level TIME VALUE IDENTIFIER 2020-08-28T00:02:47 1145541.536654 //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time 2020-08-28T00:02:47 //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level 0: 17242.24916 1: 0.374476 2: 1.916197 3: 0.0 4: 8.525565 5: 1112.138469 6: 0.0 7: 0.0 8: 2.595788 9: 789717.736216 10: 0.0 11: 0.0 12: 1516.502436 13: 335933.168499 14: 6.329848
The following command shows specifying components of a partition:
$ sstore export -t 2020-08-28T00:02:47 -e 2020-08-28T00:03:47 -i 60 \ > //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level(1,9,13) TIME VALUE IDENTIFIER 2020-08-28T00:02:47 //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level(1,9,13) 1: 0.374476 9: 789717.736216 13: 335933.168499 2020-08-28T00:03:47 //:class.cpu//:res.id/0//:stat.interrupt-time//:part.level(1,9,13) 1: 0.374476 9: 789747.46965 13: 335946.036757