Displaying Values of Statistic Partitions

A partition is a grouping of a set of statistic values. Partitions take arguments to specify which partition data to return. The two types of partitions are static and dynamic.


A static partition is a full enumeration of the exact names of the partitions. For example, CPU usage can be broken down by mode, which has component parts user, stolen, kernel, interrupt, and idle time. The components of a static partition are explicitly listed in the partition metadata.


Dynamic partitions return a different list of constituents depending on the environment in which the statistic is requested. In many cases, dynamic partitions map to resource names, and the partition metadata describes that mapping. This enables zooming out to examine a partition itself, rather than exploring data by infinite repartitioning.

Use the part keyword to specify which partition data to return. If you do not specify a partition for a statistic that is partitioned, the aggregate value of all parts of the partition is returned.