Displaying Values of Statistic Slices
The following sstore capture
command shows the current value of the in-bytes
and out-bytes
statistics for the net0
$ sstore capture //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.//:s.[in-bytes,out-bytes] 1 1
2020-08-04T20:45:44 120744284 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes
2020-08-04T20:45:44 14960822 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes
Though the previous capture
command only shows one data point, as
requested, additional values are recorded. After data recording starts (by using the
command or the BUI, for example), recording continues for several
The following sstore export
command requests data values at 60-second
intervals over a two-minute period:
$ sstore export -t 2020-08-04T20:46:00 -e 2020-08-04T20:48:00 -i 60 \ > //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.//:s.[in-bytes,out-bytes] TIME VALUE IDENTIFIER 2020-08-04T20:46:00 132264022.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:47:00 166141381.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:48:00 166147907.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:00 15581480.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes 2020-08-04T20:47:00 17407359.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes 2020-08-04T20:48:00 17415231.0 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes
If you use the -p
option to specify a number of data points, you get the
specified number of consecutive data points that were recorded from the specified start time.
$ sstore export -t 2020-08-04T20:46:00 -p 3 \ > //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.//:s.[in-bytes,out-bytes] TIME VALUE IDENTIFIER 2020-08-04T20:46:00 132264022 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:01 132828645 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:02 133476528 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.in-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:00 15581480 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:01 15611793 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes 2020-08-04T20:46:02 15942307 //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.out-bytes
If you use the -p
option with a negative argument, you get the specified
number of consecutive data points that were recorded prior to the specified start time.
$ sstore export -t 2020-08-04T20:46:00 -p -3 \ > //:class.link/phys//:res.name/net0//:stat.//:s.[in-bytes,out-bytes]
For data of type counter
(the most common type), if values are recorded for several minutes, then recording is stopped, and then recording is started again, sstore export
shows interpolated values for the period when no data was recorded.