Sub-Sort by Value Variance
The, metric=variance)
returns the limit SSIDs with the largest average values over the entire
specified period, in descending order from the SSID with the largest difference between its maximum
and minimum values to the SSID with the smallest difference between its maximum and minimum
The following example shows the same four SSIDs as are shown in the preceding two examples because these are the four resources that used the most average CPU time over the entire period. In the following example, these same four SSIDs are listed in a different order than in either of the two preceding examples.
The kmem_task
process has the greatest variance in its values over the
entire period:
$ sstore export -t 2020-09-09T15:21:30 -e 2020-09-09T15:22:30 -i 60 \ > //:class.proc//:res.*//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) TIME VALUE IDENTIFIER 2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.2288818359375 //:class.proc//:res.kmem_task/7/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.09765625 //:class.proc//:res.kmem_task/7/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:21:30 3.997802734375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:22:30 3.94287109375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.1556396484375 //:class.proc//:res.sstored/1046/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.177001953125 //:class.proc//:res.sstored/1046/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.4180908203125 //:class.proc//:res.zpool-rpool/6/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance) 2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.4058837890625 //:class.proc//:res.zpool-rpool/6/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//,metric=variance)
The values at the reported data points might not demonstrate the variance. Larger and smaller values might occur at points that are not reported.