Top Values

The operation returns the average value of each SSID over each interval of the specified period. By default, the SSIDs are listed in order of descending average value over the entire specified period. Use the limit argument to specify how many SSIDs to list. The default value of limit is 5. Fewer than limit values might be returned because zero values and NO_DATA are not included in the results.

The sstore capture and sstore export commands might show different top SSIDs over the same period of time:

  • For sstore capture, each interval is the entire specified time period. The top value SSIDs could be different at each interval. Thus, over multiple intervals, results might be reported for more than limit SSIDs.

  • The sstore export command always shows no more than limit SSIDs. The sstore export command compares all available data over the entire period, from the start time to the end time, to determine which limit SSIDs are the top in average value over the whole period. Those same SSIDs are shown in the same order at each interval, even if the average value of a different SSID is higher over that particular interval.

    The sstore export command presents all the data for one SSID and then all the data for the next SSID, not all the data for one data point and then all the data for the next data point.

Use the metric argument to specify a second layer of sorting for the top average value SSIDs:

  • The operation returns the limit SSIDs with the largest average values over the entire specified period, in descending order from the SSID with the largest average value.

  • The, metric=max) operation returns the limit SSIDs with the largest average values over the entire specified period, in descending order from the SSID with the largest maximum value to the SSID with the smallest maximum value.

  • The, metric=variance) operation returns the limit SSIDs with the largest average values over the entire specified period, in descending order from the SSID with the largest difference between its maximum and minimum values to the SSID with the smallest difference between its maximum and minimum values.