Top Average Values

The proc class represents process statistics. The operation is useful for reducing the process data to information about only the most active of hundreds of processes on the system. The following command lists the five processes that are using the largest percentage of CPU resources at each one-second interval:

$ sstore capture //:class.proc//:res.*//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 3.997802734375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.4180908203125 //:class.proc//:res.zpool-rpool/6/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.2288818359375 //:class.proc//:res.kmem_task/7/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.1556396484375 //:class.proc//:res.sstored/1046/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.067138671875 //:class.proc//:res.fsflush/3/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:31 4.1351318359375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//

The following sstore export command specifies the start time from the preceding sstore capture command and requests two results for each of the top four SSIDs. The values in the first result (the start time) are exactly the same as the values for those SSIDs in the preceding sstore capture example. The values in the second result are the average of the next 60 values for each SSID; they are not just the values at the end time.

Notice that if you had requested the top three SSIDs, the kmem_task process would not be listed. The kmem_task process used the third most CPU time at the start time, but the sstored process used more CPU time on average over the entire requested 61-datapoint period than the kmem_task process used over that same period. The sstored process is shown in the third position at both time stamps because the sstore export command shows only limit SSIDs: the top limit SSIDs over all the data points in the entire requested period, not the top limit SSIDs at each point reported.

$ sstore export -t 2020-09-09T15:21:30 -e 2020-09-09T15:22:30 -i 60 \
> //:class.proc//:res.*//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 3.997802734375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:22:30 3.94287109375 //:class.proc//:res.pkg/18905/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.4180908203125 //:class.proc//:res.zpool-rpool/6/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.4058837890625 //:class.proc//:res.zpool-rpool/6/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.1556396484375 //:class.proc//:res.sstored/1046/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.177001953125 //:class.proc//:res.sstored/1046/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:21:30 0.2288818359375 //:class.proc//:res.kmem_task/7/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//
2020-09-09T15:22:30 0.09765625 //:class.proc//:res.kmem_task/7/root//:stat.cpu-percentage//