How to Cold Migrate a solaris Zone

Perform this procedure cold migrate a solaris zone that uses shared storage.


If the zone uses local storage, you cannot migrate the zone using cold migration. Instead, use Unified Archives to migrate the zone. Go to How to Use Unified Archive to Move a Non-Global Zone to a New System.
  1. Become a zone administrator.
  2. If the zone to be migrated is running, shut it down.

    source-host$  pfbash zoneadm -z zonename shutdown
  3. (Optional) Verify that the state is installed.

    For example:

    global$ zoneadm -z zone1 list -v
      ID NAME             STATUS      PATH      BRAND            IP
       - zone1           installed    -        solaris          excl
  4. (Optional) If you plan to use the ssh:// URI to connect to the target host, test Secure Shell promptless authentication.

    Execute a command such as date through ssh on the target host.

    global1$ ssh global2 date
    Mon Mar  9 13:22:40 PDT 2015

    If you are prompted for a password, you have not configured your key pairs to enable login without interactive authentication.

    See How to Generate a Public/Private Key Pair for Use With Secure Shell in Managing Secure Shell Access in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  5. (Optional) Perform a dry run of the migration to verify that conditions are set appropriately.
    source-host$ zoneadm -z zonename migrate -n ssh://user@target-host

    For example:

    global$ zoneadm -z zone1 migrate -n ssh://global2
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Importing zone configuration.
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Attaching zone.
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Dry-run migration successful.
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Cleaning up.
  6. Perform the migration.

    source-host$ zoneadm -z zonename migrate ssh://user@target-host

    For example:

    global$ zoneadm -z zone1 migrate ssh://global2
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Importing zone configuration.
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Attaching zone.
    zoneadm: zone 'zone1': Migration successful.
  7. (Optional) Boot the zone on the target host.
    target-host$ zoneadm -z zonename boot

Example 8-3 Failing a Cold Migration Dry Run Due to Local Storage

This example verifies that a zone is not running. A cold migration dry run then fails because of local storage being used in the zone zone2.

root@global3 $ zoneadm list -cv
  ID NAME             STATUS      PATH                         BRAND      IP
   0 global           running     /                            solaris    shared
   - zone2            installed   -                            solaris    excl
root@global3 $ zoneadm -z zone2 migrate -n ssh://global5 
zoneadm: zone 'zone2': configuration check failed: The storage property
dev:/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/VARSHARE/zones/zone2/disk0  is not a shared storage URI.

Example 8-4 Succeeding at Cold Migration After a Configuration Change

This example shows removal of a non-booting local storage device from the zone configuration for zone zone2, and then a successful migration. The zone configuration used comes from the migrating zone and is imported on the target host.

root@global3 $ zonecfg -z zone2 'remove device id=1;commit;exit' 
root@global3 $ zoneadm -z zone2 migrate ssh://global5 
zoneadm: zone 'zone2': Importing zone configuration.
zoneadm: zone 'zone2': Attaching zone.
zoneadm: zone 'zone2': Migration successful.