Install Hardware Management Components Using GUI Mode


Starting with Oracle Hardware Management Pack, the only installation option available is a manual installation. For information on how to manually install Oracle Hardware Management Pack, see Installing the Software Manually.
  • To install Management Pack components with Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer, you must be logged into your system with administrative privileges.

  • Before installing Oracle Hardware Management Pack, refer to the Prerequisites section for information pertaining to your installed OS.

  • Download and extract the Hardware Management Pack. See Getting the Software.

    The directory that you extract the files to is referred to as extract-directory in this procedure.

  • The packages for Hardware Management Pack have dependencies that must be satisfied for a successful installation. See Software Dependencies for more information.

  • On the Oracle Solaris OS, due to the restrictions of pkgadd(1M), the path that you extract the Hardware Management Pack to must not contain any spaces for the installation process to proceed.

  1. To start the installer, type one of the following commands:
    • For Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux systems:

      # /extract-directory/oracle-hmp-version/install.bin

    • For Oracle Solaris 11 or 11.1 systems:

      # /extract-directory/oracle-hmp-version/install.arch.bin

      where arch is SPARC or x86 depending on your processor.

    The splash screen appears.

  2. If any of the following dialogs appears, perform the appropriate action.
    • If the following dialog appears, click Quit and log into the system with administrative privileges.

      Insufficient privileges warning
    • If the following dialog appears, click Quit and remove the previously installed version of the software.

      Another version of software installed.
    • If the following dialog appears, click Quit and then check that you have the correct software version for your processor architecture.

      Wrong software edition warning

    If the installation is ready to proceed, the Introduction screen appears.

    When you are ready to proceed, click Next.

  3. From the Install Set drop-down menu, select either Standard or Custom.
    • If you select Standard, the Hardware Management Agents and CLI Tools components are automatically selected.

    • If you select Custom, the Choose Install Set screen appears.

      Choose Install Set screen
      1. Select the components that you want to install using the check boxes.

        For information on the available components, click the component name and read about it in the Description field.


        Some components of Hardware Management Pack are hardware or OS specific and are available in the installer only on compatible systems.

        The Fibre Channel support components should only be selected on servers with compatible hardware. Selecting these components for a server without the supported hardware makes the installation process slower.

      2. Click Next when done.

  4. If one of the following dialogs appears, take the appropriate action:
    • If you are installing the Hardware Management Agent component and SNMP is not already installed and running on your system, click OK and deselect the Hardware Management Agent component from the Choose Install Set screen.

      You can still proceed to install other components, but you need to install SNMP on your system before you can install the Hardware Management Agent.

      SNMP warning
    • If you are installing the Oracle Linux Fault Management Architecture component, the installer warns you of changes that will be made to your system.

      Linux FMA warning

      Perform one of the following actions:

      • If you want the installer to make these changes for you, click OK.

      • If you do not want for the installer to make these changes, click Cancel and deselect the Oracle Linux Fault Management Architecture component from the Choose Install Set screen.


        To see the Linux OS changes that need to be made to install Oracle Linux Fault Management software, refer to Installing the Oracle Linux FMA Software for information on manually installing the software.

    • If you have selected fiber channel components, and dependencies for these components are not installed in your system, click Feature Selection and deselect the fiber channel component(s) from the Choose Install Set screen.

      You can still proceed to install other components, but you need to install the required fiber channel components on your system before you can install the Oracle Hardware Management Pack fiber channel support features.

      Dependencies warning
  5. At the Configure Agents screen, select the Hardware Management Agent and SNMP Agent and click Next.


    If you select SNMP Agent, you must also select Hardware Management Agent.

    Configure agents screen
  6. Choose one of the following: fault trap proxy
    • If you did not select the Hardware Management Agent, or your server does not support the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, then go to the next step.

    • If you selected the Hardware Management Agent, and your server supports the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, then you can choose to enable the ILOM trap proxy.

      The ILOM trap proxy enables you to forward fault traps generated by an Oracle ILOM SP to a network destination over the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect. When enabling the ILOM trap proxy, you must configure the IP, port and SNMP community that your destination is listening on.

      Configuring the trap proxy.
  7. If your server supports the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, then you can choose to configure the interconnect during installation. For more information on Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, see Enabling the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect.
    • On servers without the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, go to the next step.

    • On supported platforms, the Configure Host-to-ILOM Interconnect screen appears.


    The Host-to-ILOM Interconnect must be enabled for the ILOM trap proxy to function. It is also required for the Oracle Linux Fault Management Architecture (FMA) component.

    Configure Host-to-ILOM Interconnect

    By default the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect is disabled and unconfigured. Select one of the options for configuring the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect:

    • If you select the Configure automatically option, the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect is configured using default settings.

    • If you select the Configure manually option, you need to type the IP Address, Netmask, and Host IP Address information.


    Automatic configuration is recommended, manual configuration is provided for expert use.

  8. A Pre-Installation Summary screen appears with information similar to the following screen.

    Pre-Installation Summary screen

    Verify that the information in the Pre-Installation Summary is correct.

    • If you want to change any of the installation items, click the Previous button until you get back to the screen where you want to make the changes.

    • If the information is correct, click Install.

      The Install Complete screen appears when the installation has completed.

      Install Complete screen
  9. Click Done to complete the installation.
  10. (Optional) To verify that Oracle Hardware Management Pack is installed correctly, run a command. For example, enter the following CLI command as root:

    # ilomconfig --version

    If it is installed correctly, Oracle Hardware Management Pack displays version information.